In the Shadows

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(Austin's POV)

Me and Autumn agreed that after she learned how to hide her ears and tail we would leave and go back to the others. I took a day for Autumn to hide them but when she was trying to hide her ears and tail I felt like we were being watched but I just brushed it off. When we got back everyone was asking where we were.

"Guys Autumn and Austin were probably making out or something," Julia said.

"JULIA" me and Autumn yelled while blushing.

I look to the side not to look at my sister and I saw James giving me a death stare.

I whispered to Autumn. "James is giving me the death stare."

"I know" she whispered back.

"So where did you guys go," James said.

"Is it really important" I murmured.

"Your past history with us isn't really good Austin," James said with a smirk.

I cleacked me fist.

"We took a walk and talked about Austin's past and family" Autumn said.

(Autumn's POV)

"Were you guys also talking about our mother's death?" Julia said seriously.

I nod then looked at Austin. He was tearing up.

"Austin probably killed her" James said.

"Why would I kill my own mother" Austin said with anger.

"Austin do I have to name the reasons why again. Plus your mom is pretty stupid t-."

James was about to finish his sentence before Austin grabbed him by the neck.

"Finish that sentence I dare you."

"What are you going to kill me."

Just then James grabbed his hands around Austin's wrists.

"AUSTIN STOP YOUR CHOCKING HIM" Julia said trying to losing Austin's grip.

"I know exactly what I'm doing sister" Austin said.

"Austin stop" I said helping Julia.

"Why should I? I'm just getting rid of one of our problems" Austin said.

"Austin mom wouldn't want this."

"And mom wouldn't want her killer on the loose Julia."

I looked at James. He was still conscious but barely. I had to do something and then I remembered my powers. I remembered taking witchcraft 101 I high school so I tried my simple spell. More specifically a heating spell. I grabbed on to Austin's arms and used the spell. After a couple of minutes Austin let go. He let go of James.

"James are you ok" Julia said slowly sitting James up.

(Austin's POV)

"Austin" Autumn said rubbing my back.

"Why do you care" I said.


"Why do you care about me? I'm a monster."

"No your not. In some peoples eyes they think of you as a monster and in others they fear you and in Julia's eyes she sees her brother but in my eyes your my boyfriend."


"BOYFRIEND?!?!" she said blushing. "I SAID BEST FRIEND."

I hugged her and started crying.

"Thank you. You have no idea how much these words mean to me. Just to hear that from someone I love. Thank... you."

She hesitated a little then hugged me back.

"Your welcome."

I looked at James. Julia was trying to make sure he was ok and checking if he could see.

"Ugh what happened" James said.

"You blacked out" Julia said.

"Why does my neck hurt."

"Maybe because of neck pain" Autumn said quickly.

"Are you sure because it feels like someone tried to chock me."

Autumn and Julia looked at each other. I looked at James. He had a little smirk on his face it was easy to miss but you could just barely see it.

"He is toying with us" I whispered.

"What was that Austin" James said.

"Just thinking out loud" I said.

I had the feeling that we were being watched again. Looking around trying to adjust my eyes to the darkness. I saw an outline of a figure behind James. It had something in its hand. It was glowing a green color but not bright enough for anyone to see it unless you were right next to it.

"Maybe we should get going" I said.

"Why nothing is going to hurt us" James said.

"I not so sure about that" I whispered.

Autumn probably heard me because she had a look of worry on her face.

"I agree with Austin. Maybe we should go" she said.

We agreed and started walking and I started listening to footsteps behind us. I thought I heard footsteps so I stopped. I heard two footsteps after I stopped and then they stopped.

"Run" I whispered.

Autumn turned around and walk to me.

"Austin are ok" she said.

I covered Autumn's mouth. The footsteps came closer.

"Got you right where I want you" someone whispered.

I pushed Autumn out of the way and landed on top of her and a potion broke where we were standing.

"WHAT THE HECK AUSTIN" Autumn blushing.


I flipped over to make sure Autumn was on top of me and another potion landed beside us. Autumn's face was bright red. Suddenly when here a voice from the shadows.

"Stay still you little rats."

We turned to see where the voice was coming from. When I looked I saw the same shadow again. I grabbed Autumn by the hand and we ran.

(Hey peoples. Sorry I haven't been posting anything my new Year's revolution was to focus more on my YouTube channel and that is what I've been doing. Sorry this part is so short. I have also been busy with school so yeah. Well I'll see you in the next parted.)

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