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Asset L's POV

I lay on the uncomfortable cot. It normally felt fine, but ever since the incident with Tony a week ago, it felt more and more uncomfortable. I don't understand why, but I assume it triggered something in me. I have dreams while I'm asleep, of me with Tony. If you can call it me, he keeps referring to me as Leah.
I assume that's what my name is, not asset L. The dreams feel more real than my 'memories' in Hydra. I call these ones H-Memories. They have this feeling, like it's not personal, my 'name' is never said, and it always feels too still, too engineered, to perfect. The dreams feel personal. Nothings still, it's raw, like nothing a lab could make. They're in places I never remember actually going for missions, so how they could be in my dreams I'll never know. Slowly I drifted into a sleep and the dreams come back.

I was sitting on a sofa, surrounded by people. The faces I see in my other dreams. It's always the same faces and Tony. I recognise some of them. The one with red hair I've named Nat, I don't know why however. I remember the 6ft 2 blondie as Ice Cube and the only other teenager as Spooder man. I was happy in this dream, like I was in so many others. We were watching a film and I was joining in with spooder man and Tony's running commentary while Nat laughed and Ice Cube kept screaming at us to shut up.
"Peter! Shut up, same with you Stark's. Honestly Tony, you sure Peter isn't your kid too?"
"He most certainly isn't! I may have slept with plenty of people, but Peters mother most certainly isn't. His unusually attractive aunt on the other hand is still on the table."
With a disgusted look from me and Peter practically screaming "Mr Stark, what the shiz" the entire room burst into laughter. What I assume was a phone rang, I got up and excused myself.
I got a brief look at who it was, a person called Lilith with a phone number after. This was the first time I saw a phone number in the dreams.
"Hi Lilith , what's up?"
"I just wanted to apologise, you know for the press conference. I saw what was happening, and I didn't even do anything."
"It's fine, don't worry about it. It wasn't you doing it and you could have lost your job if you did. I get it."
"Thanks Leah. So I was wondering if you wanted to grab coffee or something one day? You know, get to know each other a bit more. And maybe watch a movie or something?" She asked, very nervously. It was cute.
"Lilith, are you asking me on a date?" I smiled, liking the idea.
"Erm, Yes, If you wanna go on one with me. I get it if you don't. God your probably into guys, this was a bad ideas, sorry for asking" She said nervously. It was adorable. I blushed slightly.
"Lilith, I'd love to go on a date with you when I get back to New York."
"Wait, really?!"
"Yes, Lilith. Absolutely." I said, smiling the biggest smile I ever have.
"Okay. Call me when you get back and we'll organise a movie and somewhere to eat." I could hear the joy in her voice. It made me grin ear to ear.
"I will, promise."
"Good. Talk to you later!"
I heard the phone call shut of and smiled, walking back to the living room and sitting back on the couch next to Tony.
"Who was that?" Nat said wiggling her  eyebrows suggestively.
"None ya business." I said back.
"What they want?"
"They were asking me on a date." I said simply back. Instantly I could feel all four eyes snap onto me. The film even became silent. I was bombarded with questions about who they were from all directions.
"One at a time!" I exclaimed. "Natasha first."
"Did you say yes?"
"Yup. Next up Capsicle."
"Do you like them and did they pressure you?"
"Yes, and no they did not. Pete?"
"What you gonna do?"
"Movie and dinner."
"Cute" Peter responded.
"Dad, got any questions?"
"Yeah, whose the lucky guy that I need to have a word with about dating my daughter."
"Haha, about that, they are a She." I said, looking down slightly. "I'm a lesbian." A small silence followed as I prepared for ridicule from the four superheroes. Instead, I got a hug from all of them. The physical contact surprised me.
"Kid, I'm proud of you." Came from Tony. "Probably a good time to tell you I'm Bi."
"I kinda figured." Natasha said.
"No one here thinks any different of you." Peter replied.
"I'm 90% sure now all of us are probably still gonna fight any of your girlfriends if they hurt you." Steve replied laughing.
"Thank you." I said, crying tears of joy.
I woke up slowly, taking in the real memory. This settled it. I had to get back to New York. I couldn't be late for my date.

Tony's POV

My side was still sore from the stab wound, but other than that, I was fine. Clint wouldn't let it go that my own daughter had a hissy fit and stabbed me, let alone the fact that I was in his words 'stupid enough to get out of the suit in the first place'. I locked the vents  in retaliation.
I was more happy knowing she was alive until I told Steve and Bucky what she said.
"Tony, you do realise that Hydra brainwashes the assets to forget everything in they're past?"
"Yes, but she's alive, that's good, right?" I said frowning.
"Tony, take it from someone who's been through what Leah's probably going through. She's probably remembering everything through dreams and realising the memories they implanted into her are fake. She's smart so she's probably remembered a lot more and is already planning her escape or preparing how she's going to fake her death. If hydra catches on, she's gonna be tortured into telling them what she remembers and then all her memories are going to be wiped and then put in cryo. Most people might argue that it might be worse than death."
"Shit. We need to find her."
"Don't bother, even if we knew what base she was being held in, after her next mission she'll be moved. We need to catch her during a mission and then help her fake her death. Either that or we wait until she comes to us. And she will, she's smart, smarter than most of Hydra. It's unlikely anyone will catch on. Her next mission will probably be in a couple of days. We keep an eye on her during the mission and help her fake her death if we can. Then we let her get in contact with us."
"How do we help her fake her death?"
Suddenly Peter walked in. "Drop a building on her. Worked for me."
We all stared at him and I grabbed a towel and smacked him with it.
"I'm not dropping a building a building on my probably already traumatised daughter buckeroo, nice try though."
"Thanks Stark." He said grabbing a tray of grapes and going to the living room and offering Nat and Wanda some.
"It could work if we get her in basement or secret room or secret exit before we blow it up." Steve suggested. "If Tony does his hacking thing on the Hydra data and finds out where her next mission is we could find a secret room or tunnel and pay someone to get her into it."
"Got it. Help Leah escape is ago!" I yell.

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