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   Lilith hadn't shown up in a while. No calls, no texts. Peter however had told me she'd been at school, so I knew something was wrong. After a week of not turning up to her internship position, Dad told me and Happy to go and find out what the hell was actually going on, and if something was wrong, as she hadn't stepped down from her position. 

   I had gotten changed into what Dad and Pepper called 'business casual' and what I called a shirt and jeans. Happy, of course was in his usual suit and we were sitting in the car, me in the back, him driving.

   "Leah, can you stop tapping your leg? Its making me feel nervous." Happy said, looking in the mirror.

    "Sorry." I mumbled, changing to tapping my fingers on my leg, hoping that it would be quieter than my bouncing leg. Happy sighed before pulling into a diners car park. I looked up, slightly confused.

   "I know you haven't eaten so don't give me that look. We're gonna get breakfast while the traffic clears and then we're gonna go to Lilith's house." Happy said, exasperated before jumping out of the car and heading towards the diner. I quickly followed after him, squeezing through the door just as it was shutting.

   We sat down in a booth, him facing the door, me opposite him. He grabbed a menu, looking through it and deciding what he wanted before handing it to me, "Their pancakes look good," he said. In response, I raised my eyebrow. "Don't give me that look. I know how much you and your father are alike. He would never pass up the opportunity to have pancakes."

   I smile at him, "It's not that, I'm just not a pancake person. Waffles on the other hand are gifts from god."

   "You could literally murder someone and your father would be less disappointed than when you tell him that you think waffles are better than pancakes." Happy said, his face deadly serious before we both cracked into laughter. "Okay, so what's really wrong kid, because I know that it's about Lilith, but I genuinely have no idea about the actual situation that's going on."

   "Okay, so Lilith and I are dating, but her parents aren't that supportive of the community, so we had to keep our relationship a secret. But I went to pride and obviously revealed myself as a huge lesbian, and clearly her parents recognised me from the times I'd been round their house to hang out with Lilith, so I think that her parents have banned her from being near me and her going to her internship."

   "Okay, so we're just going over there to make sure she's okay and help her if it's needed."

   "Yeah, pretty much."

  We ordered our food, talking about what we were going to do before we left. I sat back in the car and we drove to her home. 

   Both Happy and I got out of the car and walked up to her apartment. I could feel butterflies building up in my stomach with each step closer I got to her front door. Happy gestured for me to go in front, standing three feet behind me as I knocked on the door.

   "Coming!" A voice said, before the door opened. It was Lilith. Upon seeing me, her smile dropped. She looked behind her. "What are you doing here?"

   "You haven't been at the internship in a week without warning. We have to check on you, to make sure you're okay."

    "Lilith, who is it?" The two heard Lilith's mother ask from the living room.

   "A friend from school. I had to miss a class, so they're just giving me the work and telling me about the homework we got."

   "Okay, just don't be too long."

   "I won't be!" She yells back, before stepping out of the apartment and closing the door behind her. "What do you want?"

   "I wanted to make sure you're okay. And apologise."

   "Apologise for what?" She said, crossing her arms, frowning.

   "For going to pride without telling you. I knew you wouldn't be able to go with me because of who my dad is, so I didn't even consider you. And I know that was wrong. And I'm so sorry."

   "I'm not mad at you for that. I'm just disappointed that you didn't warn me. I had to find out about it when my parents where there. I had to defend you. I had to block you because my parents didn't want me to talk to you, calling it a disease. I'm not allowed to even go to Stark anymore because you're family are there. You are so lucky, and you don't even know it."

   "Oh, I'm lucky? Yeah, because me having to run away so I didn't die at ten is lucky. Because living on the streets and almost dying several time for five years is lucky. Being kidnapped by literal bloody Nazi's and being forced to do their bidding for a whole year is lucky. Having to deal with this shit is lucky."

   "Excuse me, you where the one who made the mistake here!" She shouted. "I wasn't the one who went to pride even though I knew I would attract attention here!"

   "Yeah, because wanting to celebrate who I am is so wrong!" I yell. "It's not my fault you're such a coward!"

   Her face drops. "So that's what you think of me."

  "No, wait, baby-"

  "Don't, just don't. You don't understand. Just leave. This is my resignation."

   "But, what about us?"

   "There is no us anymore. Just leave. Don't talk to me ever again." She said, going back inside.

   Happy walked up behind me, guiding me back down to the car. I sat in the back where I curled up. I remained completely silent as we went home. 

   "You okay kid?" Happy asked.

    "I'm fine." 

Hi guys.

The next chapter is going to be the last one for this book, but I'm working on a second book which is going to be Infinity War, Endgame and Far From Home. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll try to get the next chapter out as soon as possible.


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