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   I had been back in New York for about a week and I was bored. Lilith couldn't hang out because 'She had school work to finish' and 'I have to look for a new job because I just don't feel like Stark is the best place for me'. Peter was busy with Spider-man stuff and Shuri was asleep when I was awake and I was asleep when she was awake.

   Pepper tried to make time, but she was the CEO of Stark and was dealing with a great amount of trouble from the press at my recent arrival back at the tower. However, the one positive to being back was that it was June, which meant Pride and I was back just in time for it. I had ordered my flag the day I had gotten back and had gotten the tickets for the festival and was in the process of hyping myself up to ask my Dad if he wanted to come with me.

   "Friday, can I ask you something?"

   "You just did Leah, but I assume you want to ask something other than that question."

   I sighed. Of course Dad made the AI sassy. "Do you think Dad would want to come to Pride with me. I mean, I can understand if he didn't, but it's really important to me and Lilith can't go because if her parents see her with me there in the tabloids then she'd be in trouble. I don't really want to go alone either." I said, getting quieter toward the end.

  "Leah, I have no doubts that Mr Stark would love to go to Pride with you. After all, he's been cooped up in his lab for several days now, and I believe that he should probably get out at some point before he dies of chemical inhalation."

   I laughed. "Thank you Friday. What about Pepper? I've only got two tickets, but I can always get another for her if she wants to go."

   "Although I have no doubts that Ms Potts would want to go with you and Mr Stark, she unfortunately has several meetings booked for the day of the parade, Leah, so she would not be able to attend even if she wished. However, she has made a significant donation towards the parades funding this year, anonymously, of course."

   I smiled, despite my disappointment that Pepper couldn't be there. Of course, I wanted her to be there. She had become somewhat of a mother figure over the time I'd known her, and Dad loved her, so she was my family.

   I got up and out of my desk, knowing that if I kept sitting there wondering weather to ask Dad, I would never actually do it. I walked down the stairs and to the elevator, asking Friday to take me to Dad's private lab, which was about four floors away from the penthouse and was accompanied by Bruce's Lab which hadn't been used since he was moved off world.

   I sighed before tapping in the code and scanning my eye to be let into the lab. Dad was leaned over some small project he had given himself, completely focused on it.

   "Hi dad." I said, taking a seat opposite him. "What you doing?"

   "Making mini pollination drones seeing as the bee's are dying, so nothing much. What about you, kiddo?"

   "Not much, just chilling." I said before taking a deep breath. Here we go. "Dad, could I ask you something?"

   He quickly finished attaching a wire before putting down his tools. "Of course Leah. What's up?"

   "Erm... well, I was wondering, and you don't have to if you don't want to, of course. But, erm well-"

   "Take your time kid. It's okay, you know you can ask me anything and there's no such thing as a stupid question. Except the ones that answer themselves."

   "Well, do you want to go to Pride with me? It's just Lilith can't go because if her parents catch her there they'll be mad and Peter's going as Spider-man so I can't go to hang out with him. So, I was wondering if you wanted to come with me?" I asked. There was a small silence. "Don't worry about it. It was a silly question anyway. You probably couldn't go anyway because of the press or something."

Leah Stark - The Unknown ChildTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang