Chapter 87

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"The man was writing something, nodding his head, humming along with the song – something about love, something about miracles." {Jacob Portman, pg 309 book 3}


Hugh had left Aurora's side only for a moment when he realized Jake, Emma and Enoch had gathered in their own corner of the room. He waved Bronwyn over and she took his place, holding Aurora's hand as she stroked Millard's hair out of his face. As Hugh approached the others he heard them whispering about what Caul had said.

"It's a long shot." Emma said, "But still the coincidence. . . "

"He's always been a braggart, he probably didn't notice that he gave himself away." Jake added.

"I say we go for it." Enoch said in his typical fight seeking fashion.

"Go for what?" Hugh asked and they turned to him going silent and sharing looks before giving in and letting him in on their secret meeting.

"We think Caul has Millard's soul." Jake said.

"Oh really?" Hugh asked with heavy sarcasm, "What gave it away the catatonic state he's in or the visibility?"

"We're serious." Enoch snapped, "He said he had a place for Aurora's soul on a shelf next to Mill's –"

"And that whole thing about the souls he collects." Emma added, "Hugh you have to admit it sounds suspicious."

"You think he's got it stored away somewhere?"

"That's exactly what we think." Jake said, "When Emma and I showed up here Caul made a big production about the captured ymbrynes it makes sense he'd have collected souls to keep and look at them like trophies."

"And if we can find the trophy room –" Emma began.

"Maybe Aurora could use the soul to revive Millard." Hugh finished.

"Absolutely not." Came a sharp whisper behind them and they all turned to see Miss Peregrine, "It's too dangerous."

"Miss P, please we have to try –" Jake tried talking her into it.

"No, you've been through enough already."

"Exactly, and we've made it –" Enoch tried.

"This far, almost getting killed countless times. As your ymbryne I cannot allow you to go out and tempt fate even more."

"No offense Miss Peregrine." Emma began, " But we're doing this whether you like it or not."

"Miss Bloom –"

"Millard would do it for any of us and even putting that aside we are more than capable. Caul might be sick and twisted but he is right about one thing: peculiars don't need to be hidden away, especially not when they're as strong and united as we are."

Miss Peregrine was silent having never been spoken to by her ward in such a way. She looked at each one of them long and hard, she saw the spirit in Emma's eyes, saw Jacob nodding along, saw the determination in Enoch's gaze and saw the hope rising in Hugh's. She then looked over her shoulder at Aurora, she'd seen her fair share of peculiar suffering – every time she recused a ward they'd been through a terrible ordeal – but the state Aurora was in now was unlike any pain she'd ever witnessed. Then she looked back to the four in front of her and let her stern mask slip just a bit so they could see the pride in her eyes.

"You have twenty minutes." She said before turning and going back to help her sisters.

"Great." Enoch said, "How are we supposed to search this whole place in twenty minutes?"

A Peculiar Time in 1944 - A Millard Fanfic (Miss Peregrine's Home) #wattys2020Where stories live. Discover now