Chapter 98

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"Good luck with. . . whatever it is normal people do." {Emma Bloom, pg 434 book 3}

She was glad for a distraction from her thoughts when she heard loud footsteps and turned to see Emma entering the library in her metal shoes. She gave Aurora a small wave and made her way over to the couch and sat beside her friend. Aurora noticed Emma had a blank piece of paper and a pencil in her hand but by the way she was looking at the parchment Aurora would say the blonde was at a loss for words.

"How has Jake been?" she asked trying to start a conversation but Emma's expression turned to worry and sadness.

"He hasn't written back." Emma admitted looking down at her hands in her lap. "He responded to my first few correspondences but lately I haven't heard a thing."

She knew Emma had been keeping in touch with Jake just like she had done with Abe when he'd left. Aurora had been thrilled that Jacob's first few letters were sent so quickly, he had talked about how he missed them all and what a change it was living with his parents again after running through the countryside escaping wights. But with that threat gone what could have kept him from writing back? Aurora hoped it wasn't a sign that history was going to repeat itself, she didn't know if Emma would survive Jacob moving on like Abe had.

"I'm sure he's busy is all." Aurora said bringing her arm around Emma's shoulders in comfort. "It can't be easy, being a hero in our world and then having to return to being a regular teenager."

"I know. I even briefly met his parents when Miss Peregrine and I dropped him off in his time. They're. . . well, about as normal as normal comes. I'm sure most of his time is taken up by reassuring them that he's fine but they're not going to be easy to convince, so I'm trying not to worry."

"He's fought hollows and wights, Emma. I'm sure a couple of normal adults will be no problem."

What neither girl knew was that their conversation was being overheard by a Bird at the door.

oOo oOo oOo

"I've decided all of us could use a vacation." Miss Peregrine told her wards after supper that night. She'd gathered her children in an office in Bentham's house to tell them the good news.

"A vacation?" Hugh asked in shock.

"Yes, Hugh. Between the trials with Nim, helping the other captured peculiars and collecting all the artifacts for Miss Bobolink and Miss Loon's traveling tour I think we've all earned a break. Besides its good to see how other peculiars live around the world, so the trip won't be without its educational aspects."

"Where are we going to go?" Bronwyn asked hopping in her seat with excitement.

"Miss Kestrel informed me of a nice loop just on the shore of the Caspian Sea that sounded lovely. She thinks Nim could benefit from coming as well, he's been so kind to let us women peck at him like an experimental guinea pig it would be a nice way to thank him for the risks and inconveniences he's taken for us."

"When are we going?" Olive asked eagerly her arm wound through Enoch's elbow.

"This upcoming weekend. We'll be using the Panloopticon, the third door on the second floor."

When Miss Peregrine was done with her announcement Claire hopped off Aurora's lap and tugged her to her room excited to pack for the trip. Miss Peregrine's news seemed to cheer everyone up and give them a much needed extra spring in their step.

oOo oOo oOo

Just before dinner the following night the ymbryne's emerged from Mother Dust's infirmary with Nim, when he appeared at the supper table everyone was left in a state of shock. The man hadn't aged a day, he should have at least grown a few years in the week he was gone but there wasn't a wrinkle or liver spot marring his skin at all. The ymbryne's then pulled Millard into a separate room to discuss further tests and evaluations wanting to be sure they'd collected all the facts they could before peculiars just started leaving loops without care or caution. Naturally the group that sat down to supper was full of chatter, everyone going on about either the new loops that had been discovered thanks to Bentham's machine or Millard's discovery. After they'd eaten there still was no sign of Millard or the ymbrynes who had pulled him into the study so Aurora spent the night with Emma composing her next letter to Jacob. With news this big there was no way he wouldn't write back – even if he'd lost romantic interest in Emma, something that neither one spoke but both of them thought it.

A Peculiar Time in 1944 - A Millard Fanfic (Miss Peregrine's Home) #wattys2020Where stories live. Discover now