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All too well I knew your breathless lips.

Blue eyes begging for the

Chance of forever that I granted while

Dancing with fairy lights tangled up in our legs as I screamed

Enough for the millionth time.

Fight for me like you did back when you were

Gripping onto cliffs that cut your wrists open. I

Hope you think of me every time you hear a Taylor Swift song.

I threw our future at your face and you

Just held me tighter like you hadn't

Killed everything I'd ever believed about you.

Look in my eyes and reassure me you're never leaving.

My bedroom littered with memories that turned to dust like you

Never went to bed without a kiss goodnight.

Oh, how badly I almost relapse for just one more

Promise on my finger that you decided to

Quit when you got too caught up in her 

Rather than remembering my head on your chest.

So many playlists ruined, and you should just

Take me back for one last dance

Under the façade you pulled over my eyes where

Violet painted my first bouquet.

We were like Ross and Rachel, ruined by your lack of self-control.

X-rays of my brokenness screamed so loud.

You should have fought for us and not taken a page out of

Zeus's book.

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