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I walked down the streets of my new home Seoul. It was a cold snowy night, but no where near as cold as Busan could get.

I missed my hometown, but so far I enjoyed it here. I'm here to achieve my dreams after all, who wouldn't love that? And, I am a tough kookie.

I chuckled to myself causing my warm breath to form visibly past my slightly chapped lips, almost as thick as smoke in the chilly night air.

My hyungs made me go out to pick up dinner. Can you believe that? Me? A 15 year old kid barely ready to debut, and in a town I'm still not too familiar with.

Aish- sometimes I wonder what goes on inside their heads.

With a tired sigh, I proceeded to walk and carry the bag filled with my- as well as the other members, dinner.

Freshly cooked, piping hot ramen.

My favorite.

I watched as the delicious smelling steam flowed from the securely wrapped brown paper bag I held in my wool glove covered hands. The delectable smell continuously hitting my cold red nose as snowflakes began to rain down around me.

Namjoon hyung said the temperature would drop even lower- OOF.

My hands shakily hugged the large bag of food closer to my chest as I steadied my previously altered footing.

Thank god I caught myself- the last thing I needed was to arrive back at the dorm empty handed with angry starving hyungs and third degree burns.

After managing my almost slip up, I looked down to see what my foot had stumbled over.

Crouching down carefully, I set the precious ramen filled bag onto the snow covered ground beside me. Then bringing my attention to inspect what thing dared trip the mighty Jeon Jungkook.

I frowned from being met with a small, white and slightly crinkled box.

"Well what are you eh? Nearly taking me and my dinner out as I try to walk back home"

Letting out a slight laugh, I smiled and traced my finger over the thin silk baby blue ribbon that was tied in a neat bow around the box.

Hmm.. perhaps someone lost a Christmas package? It was the middle of December-


My eyebrows raised and my eyes widened at hearing the small cry. I tilted my head looking over every side of the item, only to find no writing, no markings, nothing.

With a huff I gave another frown in defeat.

Well that's odd- who in their right mind would have a package with no address or anything?

I checked my surroundings only to see no one in sight.

Well, the owner is clearly gone. I take one last look around and pull my phone from my pocket to check the time.

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