Chapter 6

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My stomach hadn't stopped hurting. No part of my body had, but my stomach outweighed the other pain I was feeling. I didn't get dinner that night-not that I could eat anyways.

There would be times when all I could feel was pain. Pain everywhere. Everything hurt. I hated those moments. I could only lie on the ground, trying to be

quiet while moaning in agony the entire time.

When I wasn't in constant pain, I was left with the dull reminder that I was surely in hell. During the peaceful times, all I would be able to do was think

about Clayton's anger. I wanted to know why those two were so against females. And what were the Sides?

For the next day and a half that was all that happened. In and out of pain, in and out of thoughts. By the second day of this, my stomach was growling.

I hadn't been fed in what felt like forever.

With the pain from the kick already there, hunger only made it worse. I could barely move when I heard the door slam shut and footsteps coming


I straightened up slightly, looking through slits in my eyes to see who it was. I groaned internally once I saw John's face from the shadows.

"Get up" He growled at me, a bag of chips in his hand. My eyes skimmed the bag, wondering what type of food it was. I had half a mind to rip that bag

out of his hands right there. But I knew better than that.

I groaned, trying weakly to push myself up. He rolled his eyes, reaching down and grabbing the back of my neck. I tightened automatically, chills

going down my spine. He pulled me up that way, forcing me to stand. I knew I would fall over before I finished whatever he was going to do to me today.

Hunger wasn't even the problem. It was my ankle.

John pushed me forward. I grabbed onto something to try and keep myself up along the way as I ventured towards the stairs. I had never gone up

them, nor wondered what they led to. I didn't care. I knew as soon as I could walk, I would be out of here faster than a cheetah.

The first step was murderous. I let out a cry of pain which earned me a jab in the back with something sharp.

"Shut your mouth, bitch" He growled "Keep going"

Every other step I couldn't help but cry out. I was surprised I could walk at all, let alone climb stairs. The pain was doubling what it was when I first

bruised it. Tears were slowly falling down my face when I finally made it to the top step. I sighed in relief, a soft sob escaping in the process.

John continued to push me forward, muttering something hurtful about me. I paid little attention to it, not surprised to hear it coming from me.

We stopped behind an arm chair. John poked the ruffle of hair that peaked out from above it. The hair moved to reveal a face.

Clayton looked surprised to see me in the light for the first time ever. But I wasn't looking at him, I was looking at my surroundings. It looked like a

normal living room. It had nothing motherly in it, but contained a couch, two arm chairs, and a television set in the middle.

It reminded me of Jim's place.


The name hit my heart hard. I wondered if he thought I'd abandoned him. Just when we had things going on the right track, I got kidnapped. Of

course my luck would let that happen. I felt my eyes start to water at the memory of his face, his laugh, his eyes, everything.

"I think the bitch has something to say to you" John's voice startled me from my thoughts. I glanced up at him, hoping he couldn't see my watery


"S-s-sorry" I stuttered.

"That's more like it" He smirked and grabbed my elbow. John roughly pulled me away from Clayton. I screamed slightly as I put weight on my ankle.

"Shut up!" He growled

"John!" Clayton said, getting up from his seat. "Chill dude. I'm going to talk to her"

"Well let me know if she gives you any problems" John said, glaring at me

"I can handle her"

I hated how they spoke of me like I wasn't there. John pushed past me, walking out of a door which I assumed was the front door.

Clayton watched it, noticing how it locked. His eyes slowly turned to me, motioning for me to stand in front of me. I bit my lip, hoping I wasn't about to

be beaten. I crossed my fingers behind my back, hoping he wouldn't see it.

***Author's note: Sorry its short! I'm typing up the next part as we speak. Hehe. Thank you to the like, two people that read this(: You guys rock!*****

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