Chapter 21

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"Dude how much longer until we're there?"Clayton whined for the fifth time. Isupressed a sigh of annoyance since Clayton was the one that liked me. John, on the other hand, did nothing to hide his frustration with Clayton.

"I swear dude ask one more time and I'll turn this damnCraft around" John growled.

Clayton rolled his eyes behind John's back. "Can you at least answer that one question?"

"An hour. Still. Its still an hour"

Clayton leaned his head back, his boredom seeking through.

I pulled my legs up to my chest, wrapping my arms around them. I sat at the far end of the bench-thing, away from either of the boys. Luke was on the ground, asleep. My eyes rested on our dog we had adopted.

"So Ellie"Clayton started.

John grunted at my name. "I don't get why you call her by her name."

"Because Icall you by your name, dumbass"

"Yes, but I'm not the spawn of the Devil"

I frowned, offended by that "I'm not the spawn of the Devil..."

"What did you say?"John growled, turning around to glare at me.

My eyes widened, heart beating faster. I shrunk back in fear, not answering verbally. My reaction was enough to satisfy him.

"That's what Ithought"He turned back to face the front.

"You're such a jerk to her"Clayton snapped.

"And why shouldn't Ibe?"

"Because she's not exactly trying to rip your throat out!"


"I doubt that."

Clayton and John bickered as I tuned out. They had been doing little stuff like this all day. It was beginning to annoy me, though I'd never say that to either one. Icurrently liked my position painless.

A strange thought at entered my mind a while ago. I was a girl stuck in the future on the Boy's Side of the world. Other than that being the main problem, there was something else that was bugging me.

I'd been here for about two months according to Clayton.

So why hadn't Igotten my period yet?

I didn't know if the boys knew whata period was. If they did, I doubted they wanted to hear about stuff like that. Since boys didn't want to hear of this before in my time, they mostly likely didn't want to hear it now.

I had been thinking and the best conclusion I had come up with is being frozen in time had affected my monthly pattern. I tried to recall my past, wondering if I had had sex before I was frozen, but Idoubted I would still be pregnant.

Still, the lack of blood coming out of my vagina worried me. As the boys bickered, this was the thought that kept reappearing in my mind. If the Nerd was as smart as the boys said he was, maybe he would be able to answer my question.

"Ellie?" Clayton asked, trying to get my attention.

I snapped out of my string of thoughts, looking up confused "Yes?"

"She wasn't even paying attention. Itold you. Useless"John muttered

I frowned, too scared to say anything back to him.

"She's probably just sick of hearing you bitch about her"

"Clay, stop being retarded. She's not worth any of our trouble"

"She's a human being why isn't she worth our trouble?!"

"Cause she's a girl"

"Guys?"I whispered, trying to get their attention

"Dude she's different!"Clayton yelled, standing up, John remained in his seat, back to us. Luke hadn't stirred.

"No she's not"

"Uhm... hello?"Iasked a little louder.

"John, seriously. Come on."

"Guys!"Isaid, louder.

"Ellie, shut up for a sec---"Clayton stopped, realizing what he was saying. He paused for a moment, before turning around to face me. John snorted."Sorry Ellie!"

I nodded"Its ok"

"What did you want?"

"How smart is the Nerd?" I asked quietly

"Well considering he's the smartest guy in the universe, very smart"Clayton chuckled, settling down next to me. He seemed to have forgotten his anger.

"Oh"Hopefully he would be able to answer it.


"Can I ask him a question?"

Clayton looked at John. John met his eyes with a hard look, one I could decipher. After an awkward moment, Clayton looked back at me, a strange look upon his face.

"Ellie, I don't think so" He said, trying to sound as gentle as possible.

I sighed, nodding. I understood. I was the enemy here.Icouldn't expect everyone to be nice to me like Clayton was. Clearly, seeing John, I understood that. They hated girls. Alot.

"Speaking of the Nerd..."John said. Clayton looked over, a faint smile coming to his lips. Ilooked at him questioningly.

"We're almost here"He said. "Now... in order for this to go as planned, you need to cooperate with us"

I nodded hesitantly, looking over at John. He must've put the Craft in auto cruise, for he was standing up next to Clayton, smirking at me. I noticed something behind his back.

With an evil grin, John pulled rope from behind.

Clayton sent me an apologetic look as Iglanced from him to John. Luke stirred up, feeling the tension and stood next to John. I shrunk back in my seat as the fear sunk in.

This was going to be a horrible experience, Icould already tell.

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