Chapter 9

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I passed out.

I don't know when, why or how, but I did. I can't remember anything that happened between the time where I was one hundred percent sure I would finally get raped and to when I awoke. My guess was that I had passed out right before.

I know one thing, though.

My entire body was still in pain. Not only that, though, I had developed another massive bruise to go along with the one on my ankle. This one was on

my stomach, taking up a massive portion.

I had pulled myself over to the closest wall to lean against. The act of even doing that had left me in tears of pain. It hurt to breathe. I couldn't move

again for a little bit, just waiting for the pain to decrease enough.

I looked down at my stomach, examining the bruise. In the small light, I could tell it stretched from right under my bra down to the bottom of my belly

button. The bruise was shaped like a blob, reaching out to the edge of my stomach. I knew this would definitely be hell tomorrow, not that it wasn't hell today.

"Oh my gosh" I whispered, my breathing panted from the pain "Why is this happening to me?"

I got no response to my rhetorical question. At least I wasn't going crazy yet.

There was movement across the room. My eyes strayed towards that general area where the movement was coming from. I hoped that whoever it

was hadn't heard me.

I closed my eyes, preparing for the worst.

I could hear something getting closer, but it sounded off. Almost like that my captures were tip-toeing over here.

Something furry brushed against my side. Opening my eyes in surprise, I looked down.

A small dog was looking up at me. Automatically, I reached down to pet it. The dog closed its eyes and leaned into my hand.

It was an interbreed. I wasn't sure what both breeds were, but I could tell one was a beagle. This little puppy had to be only a baby.

I noticed that there was a scar on one of its eyes, the black sticking out against the white. I gasped slightly, my eyes moving to the tail. It was

obviously too short. Somehow, part of its tail had gotten cut off.

I wondered if that was just the worst of the dog. Or only the beginning.

"Hi there" I whispered, smiling slightly. My fingers brushed along a collar. I fiddled with it, trying to see who it belonged to.


7 weeks

I dropped the collar looking back up at the dog "So your name's Luke?"

He cocked his head towards me. Oh gosh, I was already going crazy. Talking to dogs like they can understand. At least I wasn't waiting for a

response yet.

"You're such a cute puppy" I whispered, rubbing my fingers through his fur. "What happened to your eye though?"

I heard footsteps around the door. Muffled voices sounded, as if they were arguing. My heart panicked. If they saw this dog with me, I knew they

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