Chapter 23: New Friends

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I splash some more cold water on my face until it cooled down. I have no idea how I'm going to get through this day. Trying to avoid Stan was hard enough but now I have to avoid Nicole.

I don't want it to be like this though, I want to make up with her but I know it's too soon. She needs to blow off some steam for a few days and then I'll try again to make things right.

When lunch came I didn't even want to leave my office. I couldn't sit with Nicole and she was pretty much the only friend I had at work. With her around I didn't really have a need to mingle with other people. I guess today it's time to do that.

I looked around the cafe. My eyes moved past Nicole and I tried not to stare too long. I decided to make friends with the person who no one talked to and everyone hated and gossiped about, Ivy. Being an outcast is something I can relate to. Ivy worked in the financial department and she was known around the job as a slut. I never knew why, it's just what Nicole told me when I first got here.

Surprisingly she welcomed me to sit with her immediately and she was a really nice. I honestly never cared what people said about her because I like to determine my opinion on people for myself. And she actually was funny and outgoing. I found myself laughing for the first time today joking around with her.

"Hey what made you sit with me anyway?"

"I guess I realized I only have one friend at work and should talk to more people." We laughed at how lonely I sounded.

"Yea but why me? You know being around me won't be a good look for you."

"Who cares. People think things without knowing the whole story."

"I'm guessing you've been going through some shit huh?"

"Yea, but it doesn't matter. I'm not tryna think about it."

"Girl that's my whole life. My real whole story..well.. yo-"

"No it's okay. You don't have to tell me. What you do in your life is your business."

"Ha your such a fortune cookie." She laughed. "But it is nice being treated like a normal person." She smiled and I smiled too.

When lunch ended I felt like I made a friend and I was glad to have something positive happen for me this week. Ivy told me that whenever I need someone to talk to that I could find her.

At the end of work I got a text message. It was from Trevor.

Hey, wanna hang out after work today?

The last thing I wanted to do right now was see Trevor. I don't think I could ever hang out with him without feeling guilty now. I love having Trevor as a friend, but maybe Nicole is right, maybe he does still have feelings for me and maybe I almost started to have feelings for him. All I know is I need some time apart from him. Things are too messy right now so I texted back some excuse.

I'm going to be late at work today. Sorry.

I put my phone up and head out for the day. I may have weird feelings right now but there's no question of who I love, and that's Stan. Eventually I have to make things right with him as well.

As I'm walking to my car I see a woman standing in the parking lot. She looks as if she's looking for someone but I can't tell because she's too far away. She looks familiar but I don't stick around to find out as I reach my car and head out.

Then I notice a car pull out right behind me, but I ignore it because it is the end of the work day so a lot of people are leaving at the same time.

It wasn't until I stopped at a red light that I saw who was driving the car. It was the same woman that was standing in the parking lot. She had sunglasses on so I couldn't make out who it was but I knew she looked familiar.

I was ten minutes into my drive when I concluded that she was following me. I started to panic. Should I call the police? She looked harmless but I didn't want to lead her to where I live. I decided to detour to a crowded strip mall parking lot. Maybe I could lose her in there.

I pull over quickly and try my best not to be seen. I think I should stick around a little longer just in case. I get out and head inside the nearest shop. It was a small clothing boutique. I walk around start scanning the ranks.

Then I hear an "excuse me miss."

I look up and see the same woman. But this time I could see her face clearly and knew exactly who she was. My eyes opened so wide and my jaw hit the floor.

"I'm guessing by your face that you know me or at least recognize me. And I'm guessing that means I found the right woman."

I stayed silent and let my head fall.

"Well just in case my name is Mariah Archer."

"Yes I know who you are Mrs. Archer."

"And I've been waiting a long time to finally know your identity. If you don't mind telling me."

"Oh no no I don't mind. I'm Lori Green."

"Lori" She whispered my name as if she's been searching for my name for years. Probably because she has been. "So you must know why I'm here." She says.

I pause a little but in reality I could make a pretty good guess of why she's here.

"Looking for your husband."

"Oh I know where he is. I got the call a few days ago about his arrest. I'm here in Atlanta for his trial. But I'm here in front of you right now, hopefully for some more answers."

"I'm so sorry.."

She held her hand up, but not in a aggressive way. In a way to say I don't need to apologize. "We'll get there. If it's okay I'd like to go somewhere to talk."

I stared in her eyes and saw hurt but she was hiding it well. She looked determined and thirsty for answers.

"Yes of course." I said.

We left the boutique and walked next door to a coffee shop. We sat across from each other and I felt a flashback from my talk with Sarah. I sat silent and waited for her to start.

"There is a lot I want to know but I guess it's only right to start at the beginning."

"Okay." Was all I was able to say.

She ordered herself a coffee and sat back in her chair. Her eyes were closed and she took a deep breath. She opened them and had a blank face as she looked at me. "So tell me how you and Joseph met."


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Shae :)

I Can't Help ItOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora