riddhima is back+announcement+hatred pt 1

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gauri: what are you two doing here? mr oberoi! how many times have I told you not to stalk me? stop trying to win me back. you had 13 years but you wasted those 13 years! at least unlike you, advay didn't try to stalk me.

om: gauri, I didn't even know that you were here.

advay: oh by the way, mr oberoi is it? I remember meeting you at the park. so gauri is your wife and you had kids with her?

gauri: ex wife thank you very much.

advay: how did the cooking contest go?

gauri: cooking contest? what cooking contest?

advay: the one in the nursery.

gauri: munni never told me anything about a cooking contest.

om: kyunki she asked me first.

gauri was shocked as she heard this. she went up to om and held his collars. anger was visible in her eyes.

gauri: how many times do I need to tell you that STAY AWAY FROM THE KIDS?! they are not your kids, they are MY kids and they don't need a person like you.

om: gauri....

gauri folded her hands and said: leave me mr oberoi! just leave me! marry that riddhima bitch and forget all about me. please!

om was silent.

gauri: advay, tonight buamaa has hosted a party for lohri in town. everyone is invited but I am sure this person won't be coming. anyway will you like to come and yes I forgive you for everything?

advay: yeah sure.

gauri smiles lightly and says: great!

she goes taking advay with her and om was left upset.

he fell to his knees letting out painful tears of regret.


'so riddhima, will you be coming to barielly tonight?'

'yes why not? but will om agree aunty?'

'kyu nahi? he has to respect my choice. besides he actually had the guts to have an affair with you when that bitch gauri was there?'

'true, ok I will come.'

'great! bye.'


the person who was asking riddhima to come was no other than jhanvi.

jhanvi: it's time for you to move on om beta. you are living in that gold digger's memories. you can't torture yourself like this.

she smiles to herself


that night:

the oberois didn't know that buamaa was the one hosting the party. all they knew was that everyone was invited so they were coming.


they went to town and saw everyone chatting and dancing as the fire was being lit. just then a tall girl entered. she was wearing black blouse and sari skirt with a sky blue pallu. she had a face shape of a camel and her hair was all down. she was revealed to be riddhima.

riddhima: namaste.

oberois expect anika: namaste.

riddhima: where is om?

pinky: om...om is somewheres.

riddhima: I will find him.

she goes from the oberoi crowd. meanwhile aarti was trying to find aadhira but unfortunately she was stuck with the entire oberoi clan. she thought for a few minutes and soon she came up with a plan to find aadhira.

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