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Luke took charge, intertwining my fingers with his own, rubbing his thumb over both of my hands as he cupped them gently.

"Just stay relaxed" Michael spoke, and I felt his hands gently touch my shoulders.

The firm touching bothered me, it made me very uncomfortable, and my eyes watered, but I held it in- I fought the tears, feeling successful when I felt him move away.

"You okay sweet girl?" Michael's voice rang, making me nod lightly.

"She's got some fluid build up" I heard him mumbled, which caught my attention even more.

"How much?" Luke spoke.

"Enough to where she's going to eventually need a spinal tap" I ignored, focusing on breathing and calming myself before I cried.

Calum soon reentered, setting down items behind me as he focused on Michael and Luke's conversation.

"Do you have headaches often?" Calum asked, looking to me.

"Like- once or twice a week" I cleared my throat again, making them all exchange looks.

"I'm going to feel your neck and then we're done" michael exhaled, coming to me.

His hands went from the front of my neck to the back, and I don't know exactly what triggered it, but when his hands came back around to the front - I completely panicked.

I was up and off the bed within a second, all the guys saying my name but not touching me as I kept my back to them.

"Sorry- sorry" I quickly spoke, suddenly remembering exactly why I was here, had I forgot?

I continued to hold the tears.

"I don't know what happened- it just felt-" "you had a sort of flashback" michael spoke for me, making me nod slowly

"Sorry- it just, freaked me out"

"Don't apologize for something that isn't your fault, okay?" Michael spoke, extending his hand, allowing me to take it, where he rubbed his thumb over my knuckles.

"How about for the shots we just keep you in a chair, it's less intimidating" Calum suggested, making me nod.

The blood draw stung, and only made me want to cry even more- but I had felt worse before, so I didn't complain.

The two shots when into my upper arms, and they hurt like fuckers, and I almost let the tears go, but I still held them, these bitches weren't going to see me cry.


I watched her face as I gently put bandaids over the small areas, noticing how hard she was fighting her tears.

She was brave, that was something we all knew, she hadn't let one tear slip, it was insane.

"You ready to go see mom?" Luke breathed out once I gave him the okay.

She gave a nod, standing slowly.

"Thank you" she breathed out to me as I filled in her shot record

"I'm proud of you" I sent her a small wink, watching her send me a small smile before leaving.


I kept my hand in her back, leading her to her mom, where her and Ashton sat together.

"Michael is going to either call you or he'll just tell you when we come over tonight, but she's having some fluid build up, it's not a huge deal, he just wants to discuss how to handle it" I informed her, seeing her eyes focus to Vanessa, making me smile.

"She got two shots, they'll knock her out, she will probably fall asleep on the way home actually" I spoke, watching her mom rub her thumb over her cheek gently.

"Come home with us" she spoke simply, and I couldn't say no, and I personally wanted to go anywhere.

I ran and told the boys before walking with the girls to Kathy's car, where I successfully got Vanessa to sit in the front.

Kathy and I talked about Vanessa and mainly the spine situation, and I slowly watched Vanessa dozing in and out of sleep, fighting it.

Once she didn't open her eyes again, Kathy breathed out, her eyes meeting mine through the rearview mirror

"She was about to cry" kathy informed me

"I know, she was like that almost the whole time Michael touched her" I spoke, making her sigh

"I know it's been awhile, but you might still consider getting her to talk to a therapist" 

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