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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Subtly, the door opened, and the visitor walked in. Before him, there were various people underneath a warm glow of lights, but there was only one that held his interest.

Sitting upon her bed, (f/n) leaned further back against the headboard. She could see out into the small hallway and towards the front door. There, several boxes were stacked. All of them contained R ... his items. A blank stare covered her expression as her finger twirled the purple rose between them.

She was forcing herself not to shed another tear over what had happened, though; she had a feeling that she would break that policy sooner or later. Thankfully, Edmund had helped her pack things away after they had arrived at her apartment. There were moments, however, where he had to step away from aiding her and take meeting calls since he had switched such meetings from face-to-face to phone conference calls. That gesture alone had been sweet, and she had thanked him for it several times.

Now, though, he was gone, and a dreary quiet hung over her apartment. Steadily, she forced her eyes from the boxes to the door. Where had he gone? He had seemed to be in a rush. Maybe, he had another meeting that he hadn't been able to change in time.

Her eyes landed on the alarm clock in her room. 5:00 pm. She brought her knees up to her chest some. The reception just started. Had Regi ... (F/n) couldn't even think about his name let alone speak it fully. Bringing her right index finger and thumb to the bridge of her nose, she rubbed it. A slow exhale left her.

Had his parents even wondered why she had been absent from the funeral, or had they not cared? They probably hadn't and still didn't. After all, they had known about their son cheating on her, and they hadn't said a word to her. Probably, they thought that her lack of presence made things less complicated.

Relaxing her legs, they slid down the sheets. She rolled over onto her right side. In front of her, the flower stared back. Its lavender-purple petals brought a slight smile to her lips. Her first call to Edmund had been truly lucky. If she hadn't called him, she knew that she would be in worse shape presently.

Rolling onto her left side, her eyes drifted back to the clock. 5:05 pm. She blinked as her mind seemed to click something together. Edmund had left about thirty minutes ago, which was the distance from her apartment to the post-funeral dinner. His state of urgency had been ... odd.

Instantly, she sat straight up. She winced and looked down. The plastic stem had bit into her skin some. (F/n) removed her hand from the flower. No blood had been drawn, but there was a red mark there. It most likely would fade away soon.

Was he going to the reception dinner? If so, was he already there? She had told him the location earlier before what had happened ... in the car, and she had noted the sparks of anger in his eyes at various points while he had been at her apartment. Those sparks had formed whenever she had started to break down again and when she had choked out either that nurse's or her ex's name.

If that was his plan, what was he going to do? He didn't seem like the type to create a dramatic scene, but his anger could turn him into that. She didn't wish for him to get hurt in the process because of that cursed nurse and her ex's parents. Worried, she reached over to her left nightstand to retrieve her phone. Her hand stopped midway, however, and she lowered it back to the bed.

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