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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Colors from bright pinks to soft yellows to fiery oranges lined the shelves on small pieces of paper. Fingers reached forward and plucked a color from the many options as a smile touched painted lips.

"I think that a soft, pale or a rich, dark hue will suit your walls best." Edmund pointed to several colors along the wall, and she nodded in agreement. "Remind me." He glanced to her slightly. "Are you wanting to paint each room a different color? And, do you want them to fit together if so?" His right fingers hovered over a certain color: light lavender.

"I think that a different color for each would be fun." She chuckled a little. "I think that you've already picked one out, though." (F/n) reached and slipped her fingers under his to the color choice. Her fingers plucked it out from the holder, and she held it up some. "For my room, right?" Another light chuckle escaped her. "You want it to match the roses."

He stood up straight and seemingly analyzed her before he smiled a bit. "Yes. I think that lavender suits you. It's soft and gentle."

A light bit of heat touched her cheeks before she puffed them out some. "I'm not always like that." She stood up tall and tried to look intimidating. "You should've seen how I had slapped Gina the other day." (F/n) huffed and abruptly turned her orbs back to the color options.

Laughter hit her ears, and she found that she couldn't maintain a frown on her lips for long. She relaxed again and shifted her eyes over to him somewhat. "Then, I'll keep that in mind." Amusement continued to fill his orbs. It was like he knew what she was capable of, but it still didn't intimidate him in the slightest. His fingers lifted to some more hues. "Why, though?" The mirth in his tone faded and was replaced by curiosity.

Her fingers paused over a very pale blue, which could work well in the bathroom, but her mind distanced itself from painting for a moment. As her lips became downturned, her fingers fell from the color option. She stood straight up. Part of her didn't want to say anything because she didn't know how Edmund would take it.

Larger, yet graceful fingers picked out the blue color she had been examining. "This would go well with the purple. You're wanting to keep it to paler tones, then?" A slight smile cracked on her lips, and she looked up to him appreciatively.

"Thanks." She nodded to the paint hue. "I'll use it in the bathroom." He smiled to her and slipped it into one of his free jacket pockets. "But ..." Before she could stop herself, her right hand reached out and tugged on his left jacket sleeve. Edmund halted immediately and peered back and down at her.

Brow furrowed, she didn't speak instantly, but her lips steadily parted as she straightened herself out. "But, you don't have to change topics." He faced her fully. Edmund probably was going to inform her that he didn't mind, but she did. Another part of her didn't wish to remain silent, and that part was winning over.

"She had accused me of something." Her hand slid from his sleeve, and she found her eyes on his tie again. Hesitation remained in her, but his silence pointed to him waiting for her to continue. Idly, her hands reached up and traced over his tie as though she was about to adjust it for him. He made no motion to stop her. If anything, she thought that she saw a slight shiver travel through him, but she brushed it off as her imagining things.

Framed Deception (Yandere M. x F. Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora