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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Hands gripped onto fabric in a surprised and panicked effort. They tugged further as other hands reached out to hold onto the individual.

Furniture was moved out from the walls, and it clustered in the middle of the rooms. Blue tape was along the ceiling and floor. There was even more in the kitchen so that the paint wouldn't get on the cupboards. A ladder was in the middle of the bedroom in case either painter required it for the next painting section in their area.

(F/n) was presently in the bathroom, and Edmund was in the bedroom. Both of them were still putting the primer up on the walls. They had taken a lunch break after the kitchen and living room had been completed, but she was still tired. Presently, she was cursing the small wall space between the toilet and the sink. To reach it, she had to kneel on the porcelain top of the toilet, and it wasn't comfortable in the slightest. Why had she allowed Edmund to prime the bedroom?

Once they were on the color paint, they were going to switch. She wasn't going to submit herself to toilet kneeling again. When she completed the spot, her shoulders sagged, and she smiled to herself. Done. Finally done.

Getting off of the toilet, she set down the roller on the paint tray and glanced down to her knees. Bruises were already forming them. She reached down and rubbed them only to wince in the process. No more kneeling for the day, that was for certain. Her eyes examined the bathroom, and she only had the sections up by the ceiling left. Then, she could relax for the day as the paint dried. In fact, she wouldn't have to paint again until the next week since Edmund would have the weekend off.

Standing up completely, she glanced over to the ladder. Edmund wasn't on it. She examined the room further but couldn't sight him. Her eyes moved towards the back of her bed before they found evidence of him. His shoes were sticking out, and more of his legs were showing themselves slowly. If he had been wearing one of his typical suits, she would've laughed at how silly he would've looked.

Entering the room, she inspected Edmund's progress. He was about halfway done. Despite the hard to reach places in the bathroom, it was significantly smaller than her bedroom. Maybe, she would reconsider and buy a kneeling pad.

She grabbed the ladder and began to carry it back into the bathroom, but she stopped when she found Edmund staring at her. Her heart jumped a little, and she could see specks of amusement in his eyes. "Are you almost done?" he asked, sitting up on his knees. He had placed the roller on the tray.

Calming down and figuring that he hadn't been staring for long, she nodded. "Just the areas around the ceiling." She chuckled a bit. "You, though, have quite a bit left to do." (F/n) shifted the ladder in her hands some, and a small grin tickled her lips. "Also, your gel is really starting to wear off."

Instantly, his hands reached up to his hair. An annoyed groan left him as he tried to smooth some of the locks back. "Maybe, I should switch brands."

Shaking her head in humor, she mentioned, "You're on your knees painting. And, you've been painting the whole day. That gel didn't stand a chance unless you put half the container on your head." A joking smile touched her lips as she now leaned against the ladder some. He didn't seem satisfied by that answer. "If you're that worried, we can put some water through it and restyle it to how it was."

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