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Amadine's necklace

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Amadine's necklace.


"You sure Elijah isn't gonna get mad that I cut my hair?" My hairstylist wanted me to try something different which was cutting my hair. Usually I'd object to a haircut but I thought why not. I'm pretty sure Elijah is gonna have something to say about it, considering he almost lost his mind over a dress. The dress wasn't even that short.

She turned me around to face the mirror and honestly I looked amazing. "Okay I look damn good, I didn't think I could pull this off." We both started to laugh but the excitement was short lived. I had to get dressed. My stylist swooped in and took me to my dressing room.

"I wanted you to try something different with your outfits so I picked this for you." Since I'm not allowed to actually dress myself, I couldn't really tell how the outfit looked when she put it on me. "You look stunning, Elijah's gonna love this new look." Looking in the mirror before me I mentally agrees that I looked amazing.

It was finally something that matched my personality. Usually I'm wearing what Elijah picks out for me. She handed me a purse then left. I followed behind her downstairs. "You cut your hair?" Elijah said as he approached me with an unreadable look on his face.

"Well they thought it'd be a good idea and I like it." He didn't say anything instead he just stared at me for a second. "I don't like i-" I cut him off before he could finish the sentence. "Listen I'd love to chit chat about how much you hate my hair, but I have a date with my best friend. Plus I don't really care how you feel about it."

I left before he could try to stop me. When I got to the restaurant I was supposed to meet Laura at, she was laughing and talking to some guy. "So who is this we're laughing with?" I said walking up to them. They both looked up and when Laura realized it was she hugged me.

"Too tight I can't breathe!!" She quickly let go and we both burst out laughing. "Oh Amy this is Liam, he's new in town." I shook his hand and a smile grew on his face. "Well hi Liam I'm Amadine Avaldore, how long have you known my friend?"

I sat down beside Laura and across from Liam as I motioned for the waiter. I took the opportunity to take in his looks. He had two small little tattoos on the side of his face and one tiny one on his forehead. His eyes were greenish blue and very hard not to stare at. "I actually just met her not even an hour ago, you're a Bonnet witch I see."

He pointed to my necklace that for some reason has been glowing since I walked in. I was taken aback and couldn't find the words to say anything back. "Don't worry your secrets safe with me, plus I have my own little secret check it out." Me and Laura both looked at him in confusion. That is until his face changed.

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