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"Amy I brought you some flowers to make you feel be-" The flowers fell from my hand onto the floor as my eyes landed on my wife in bed with another man. My chest caved in once I noticed it was my own brother. Ric quickly put on his clothes as Amadine covered herself with our bed sheets. "Elijah I didn't-"

"Leave." Was the only word I could form for Ric, I couldn't even look him in the eye. My gaze was fixed on Amy as Ric left my house. "Listen Elijah I swear it was a mistake." The words escaped her mouth like pre rehearsed lines.

"It was a mistake, but you kept going until you went all the way." I took three steps towards her causing her to push herself against the bed frame. "I'm sorry I didn't mean it, I was just hurt and needed someone to comfort me." My blood had reached its boiling point as I listened to her lousy excuse. "You should have came to ME if you needed comfort, but instead YOU SLEPT WITH MY BROTHER!!"

I yanked the covers off of her exposing her naked body. She trembled in fear as I bared my teeth in anger. "Elijah calm down I know what I did was wrong but we can work it out." Grabbing her by her wrists I pinned her to the wall. "Look me in my eyes and tell me you feel nothing for him, LOOK ME IN MY EYE AND TELL ME!!"

Her gaze turned to the floor then to me. "I can't lie to you Elijah I feel something for him, I think I will always feel something for him." Letting go of her wrists I realized that she was never just mine, she was also his. That's something that I wasn't going to stand for. "Get the hell out."

"Wha-what do you mean get out?" She looked at me with confusion written all over her face. "Do you even want to be with me? Are you really in love with me, like was this all pretend for you? I know about what happened with you and Ryan but I was willing to put that in the past."

Her skin color had turned pale as she heard what I was saying. "Now you're sleeping with my brother, this isn't what a happy marriage is supposed to look like." The more I looked at her the angrier I had became. "It wasn't and it isn't pretend for me I love you with all my life, just forgive me." I grabbed her wrist as she tried to touch my face.

"No, not now. I want you to LEAVE!!" Pushing her away from me she stumbled onto the bed. After seconds of nothing but silence, she finally grabbed some of her things and left. 

My emotions were all over the place as I stood there letting tears fall from my eyes. I was hurt, sad, angry but most of all I was heartbroken.  She's my soulmate, my wife and she cheated on me. 

"She never loved me, it was always him."

The more I thought about it the angrier I became. I lost my temper and started tearing apart the sheets on our bed. Punching walls and throwing everything in my sight. The pain in my chest was too much for me to bare alone so I drank. I drank until the pain inside intensified. 

It felt like I had got hit by a car as I laid on my bedroom floor. The scar that she cut into my heart bleed out onto the Bed sheets in rivers. It was grave deep and it felt like nothing in this world could heal it. Nothing but her and I didn't want to see her at all.

I couldn't stand this heartache nor could I stand her at this moment.

"Why don't she love me anymore? Am I not enough?"

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