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Meet Amadine's mother aka Mackenzie Alore Bonnet


Looking at Mackenzie I couldn't believe it was her, the last I had seen her was 1995 before Amy was born. She was covered in blood and she looked tired. "What the hell are you doing here, you're supposed to be dead." I tried to search her eyes for some kind of sign saying that it wasn't really her. Looking in her golden brown eyes I knew it was indeed her.

"I'm here to see my daughter." Her thick accent rang in my ears as she stood with a small smile on her face. The air was unusually warm and thick outside, it was a full moon. "You can't see her so you should just go." Elijah said in an angry tone that obviously offended her.

He instantly fell to the ground holding his head in pain.  "I WILL see my daughter, Emmanuel take me to her." She said as she walked in while sending Elijah flying across the floor. Alaríc only looked at her in anger as we followed behind her. "So where is she?"

As if she knew where she was she walked up the stairs. "I know where she is so there's no need for you to follow." I tried to walk towards the stairs but there was a force that wouldn't allow me to. After failed attempts from all three of us we gave up and sat down. "I just want to know how did anyone find her body, and why did they bring her back."

Alaríc said as he downed the brown liquor in his glass. "Am I the only one who finds it odd that she knew exactly where Amandine was?" Elijah asked with suspense written all over his face. The more I thought about it the more it didn't make sense to me. She hasn't been alive since 1995 so there's no way that she knew Amadine was with us.

"Before Kenzie died she linked herself and Xavier to both Amy and Drew." Once Alaríc said that it made sense that she knew where she was. "But why would she like Xavier to them, he wanted to kill her." Elijah asked, his eyes filled with a storm ready to erupt. The sweet and funny little brother I once knew had died years ago.

Maybe one day we can get him back, but until then I'll just hold onto hope. "She did it to protect them plus he doesn't know she's linked to her, Xavier is only linked to Drew." The room grew silent as we wondered what exactly was going on upstairs.


I got this weird feeling that someone was here and I couldn't shake it

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I got this weird feeling that someone was here and I couldn't shake it. Getting out of bed and walking into the hall I'm shocked by what I saw. It was a woman who had blood all over her. "Don't worry I'm not here to kill you." She said while shaking her head no as if she could hear my thoughts.

Looking at her it felt like I knew who she was but I couldn't tell who exactly. She reached out grabbing my hand and I instantly felt something. "Mother??" I said in disbelief as I pulled my hand back from hers. "But you- you're supposed to be dead."

Suddenly she hugged me and it was as if the world around us had disappeared. Tears fell from my eyes realizing it was really her. "I know by now you've figured out that Elijah and Alaríc are your soulmates, tell me you chose the right brother." Her voice stunned me, she had a very thick accent like Elijah. "I didn't c-"

"Oh come sit down and tell me about it." She grabbed my hand and dragged me into the library. I reluctantly sat down in one of the chairs as I watched her do the same. "I'm married to Elijah." Finding it kinda odd that that'd be the first thing she wants to know about me.

The excitement in her eyes had turned to fear then into anger. "They lies to me, they said that Alaríc was- oh god no." Staring at her in confusion I tried to pick out what she was trying to say. "Who is they and what did they say?" Her brown eyes fell onto me as she smiled weakly.

"Nothing I just wanted to see you that's all, I have to go now." She stood up causing me to stand as well. "Wait but I want to know you." The same weak smile as before appeared on her face. "Okay well close your eyes and I'll show you."

Reluctantly I closed my eyes as she placed her hands into mine. She began whispering a spell and suddenly the air around us had changed. Half a second later I saw her screaming and a man telling her to push. She was giving birth. After pushing one more time she gave birth to...me.

She's showing me the night I was born. The more I looked the more I realized that this was a distraction. I quickly snapped myself out of the spell and opened my eyes. "She's gone." Looking at the door I ran downstairs to see her talking to Emmanuel.

"Wait." As if she didn't hear me she walked right out the front door leaving me like before. Once the guys noticed me they all sped to my aid. "What'd she want, did she hurt you?" Asked Elijah with worry written all over his face.

"She Just said she wanted to see me then she left." I didn't think mentioning the vision would mean anything to them, so I didn't mention it. Tears started to fill my eyes as the shock began to die down. "Um I think we should go, it's been a long night and I'm hungry if you know what I mean." Said  Alaríc as he and Emmanuel both left.

My emotions were everywhere as I walked upstairs ignoring Elijah who kept calling my name. Hoping that he wouldn't follow, I climbed in bed and closed my eyes letting my feelings take over. That is until I opened them to see Elijah standing by the door. "How are you feeling?" He said as he walked over and sat on the bed next to me.

"I feel just fine, my real mother is back from the dead no big deal." I lied trying not so sound as emotional as I really was. He grabbed me placing me onto his lap and hugged me. Surprised by his actions I reluctantly hugged him back. I felt warm and secure wrapped up in his embrace.

He knew that I was lying and I'd like to say it was because of the bond, but something tells me that it wasn't. I stayed there until I fell asleep in his arms.


She had fallen asleep in my arms and I carefully placed her in bed. Putting the cover on her I kissed her forehead before climbing in bed myself. I was planning on going out and enjoying the full moon, but I didn't want to leave her alone. After a while I drifted off to sleep while trying to ignore my hunger.

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