Chapter 10.5

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Hey guys. This chapter is probably jumbled, I didn't go through it. So point out the inconsistencies please. Thanks!


"Where have you been? I have been looking everywhere for you."

Navin's initial shock at seeing his mother here in hospital was taking its own sweet time wearing off.

"I was on a holo-call, I had stepped out a for a bit." He replied distractedly.

Something else was holding his attention. A familiar figure over his mother's shoulder now coming down the hallway towards their little group.

"Colour me purple! Didn't think we'd meet up like this again!" The Jude strode closer with his arms stretched wide and wearing a wide grin. Too happy for the occasion.

"Griffin? What-?"

When Griffin didn't get a response from Navin, his arms fell but the smile stayed firmly in place.

Navin blinked, glancing between his mother and cousin. He was confused, to say the least. Anxiety was starting to gnaw at his insides. This was getting worse by the second. His mother... Now is cousin? Now there was no way he could keep this from them. Was this just a coincidence or did someone called them here?

As if reading his mind, or the expression on his face, a hard reply came to his silent question.

"I called them."

He turned stiffly around to a rigid-looking Ms. Frisdle who had purple arms folded defensively over her chest as if expecting a fight. Her face held no remorse. Grace rest a hand on Janice's shoulder in a calming manner.

Why did she call them?

For a split moment, Navin was speechless. A first for him. He couldn't understand...

He shook his head, trying to shake away this blanket of bafflement that had settled heavily on him.

From his peripheral, he caught his mother's expression and it was clear she wasn't happy. If anything she looked worried. Griffin was his usual jovial self, of course.

"Why?" He asked Griffin, Janice, and his mother. Looking on blankly as Griffin moved to greet his aunt with a peck on her golden cheek. When Griffin moved to give Janice the same treatment Janice offered up her cheek without her hard expression budging.

A group of nurses passed by, delaying whatever response he would've gotten to his one-word question.

Navin stayed silent. He had an uncomfortable feeling. And if he was honest with himself he already knew why they were here, in this private hospital ran by his second cousin, Ereeka Gallows. Navin had brought Christal here because he couldn't risk taking her anywhere public. He couldn't risk anyone finding out.

It was however, evident Janice wasn't about to allow anything to happen to Christal, so she had called in reinforcements. It was clear she didn't trust him or his judgment.

The nurses passed.

"Janny filled us in, Navin. I always assumed Carith would be the first one to screw up. Guess we put all our faith in the wrong brother." Griffin chuckled, shaking his shaggy head, always the one to make inappropriate jokes at inopportune times.

"Oh shut it, Griffin. You were the first to cave. Have you forgotten what you did to me?" Janice admonished with hands on hips.

Navin's brows creased. He didn't screw up as his cousin seemed to think. Not intentionally at least. And he still didn't like to be compared to Carith and Griffin knew this. Everyone in his family knew this.

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