Chapter 13

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Over a year... dang, I'm a horrible person.

Not edited... at all.
Not even proofread



"Whatever I am about to disclose in this room I expect you to take with full discretion. I do not want this spread to the four corners of Jude, do you understand?"

His voice was so serious Christy felt nerves settle like lead in her stomach. His eyes were blue glass, peering down at her now sitting up in bed, her back propped up against a soft mound of pillows curtsey of Janice.

The Selluxan sitting beside her squeezed Christy's hand reassuringly but said nothing. She looked concerned however. Concern was never a good thing, she was starting to believe his earlier threat about not liking what she was about to hear.

"The only reason I am about to disclose important family information is because it pertains to your current situation, and in order to attempt to resolve said situation-- primarily because it happens to intertwine with my life-- you need to co operate. Do I make myself clear?" Mr. Humack continued.

Christy gulped and nodded slightly.
Mr. Humack gave a slight nod himself, seemingly accepting her decision to keep her mouth shut.

Well, who would she tell anyway? The only other person who she might disclose anything to was right next to her. That knowledge did not make her feel any better however, it just meant that this was more serious than she believed. What could he possibly tell her that could warrant such tension and such a grave expression?

"Navin, enough with the theoretics, you're scaring her." Janice practically hissed. Christy's heart leaped, expecting her boss to take her down a peg, but he just glowered at Janice who's condescending demeanor seemed to shrink in on itself. He seemed to dismiss her words, however.

Navin, it was his name. Strange how Christy had never thought to find out his full name before. She didn't know people called him that... Navin. It kind of suited him.

Navin's face tightened in thought. He pulled up a chair that was beside her bed and sat upon it before giving a small sigh before looking Christy in the eyes, unblinking.

If he was trying to scare her, it was working.

"The males of my family are not like other Judes." He began tightly. "Due to years of genetic mutations and diet, we have somehow developed a unique condition that impedes our ability to acquire energy from food as other Judes do. We require energy from living beings instead, through direct physical contact. It is usually an unpleasant act for us but it is harmless to the ones donating the energy... we merely take enough to survive and the most harm that can be done to the giver is the simple inconvenience of feeling tired. We call the giver a Cufran... it is the Jude name for just that-- Giver."

Christy sat rooted where she sat. Just when she thought she'd heard every strange thing on Earth he tells her this. Oh wait, this was Jude. Of course!

"We require this energy exchange once per month, that's twenty-five rotations here on Jude. We usually have a discreet Jude whom we acquire it from. It is a platonic act, for reasons you must be aware of."

"Judes are not sexually attracted to each other nor other species, taking from a Cufran is merely an act to survive." Janice supplied.

Mr. Humack's penetrating look appeared to make sure Christy was still listening. How could she not listen? This was strangely fascinating. But how did that affect her?

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