Chapter 9

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Hoseok P.O.V.
I took Ae-ri to my room and then went to get ready for bed. When I came back she was looking all around the place with a frown on her head.
"What's wrong?" She's jumps a bit when she hears my voice, I guess she didn't realise I was here.
"It doesn't sound convincing" I raise a brow at her, then sigh. "Came here" I gesture her to sit down with me on the bed.
We sat there in silence for a bit, I'm not really sure how long. She suddenly looked up at me studying my face.
"This is so weird. You look the same.....but so different. It's crazy. I see my father in you, but it's still different. The gestures, the faces, the voice, the's so you, but it's not you at the same time. It's so confusing. Even right now, we have talks like this, in the future. You're a very concerned dad, you always were." She slightly chuckles" You always come in my room, almost everyday and just talk about things. To make sure you know everything, to take care of me, to be there to me. You do the same thing with Kwan, and Ae-Cha." She smiles to herself.

"Ae-cha?" I ask confused.

"Oh yeah, she's your other daughter, but she's only five. She's real sunshine. Just like you....but in a small girl body." She explains.
I can'r help but smile. I have two beautiful daughters, and a son. Life's going to be great for me.



"We should go to bed."

"Yes, well...good night Ae-ri."

"Goodnight J-dad." She laughs and hugs me, but quickly pulls away. "Sorry......reflex ya know." I smile and pull her in a big hug.

"No need to apologise, my daughter."

Have not updated since 1770, did anyone miss this story? I got a huge writers block but I might just have my motivation back, so I'm hoping for the best with this story. Yuh, bye yall✌

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