Chapter 24

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Yoongi's P.O.V.

Hwan took Jungkook's hand in his, and then laid over my lap, smiling at me adorably. I smiled back and combed his hair with my hands. He immediately leaned into my touch, so I was petting his head the whole time. We didn't get to finish the movie, as dinner was ready. Which resulted in him cutely pouting.

He sat between me and Jungkook of course. The girls all sat next to their fathers, but in a way that Chang-nim and Ae-ri still got to sit next to each other.

*time skip*

Dinner was amazing. All the stress flew away, as we started joking and sharing stories. It was like a real family dinner. Everyone enjoyed themselves, and the food, of course, was great.

Hoseok's P.O.V.

Now it was time for bed. Ae-ri finished in the shower, and sat down next to me. She was used to me talking with her everyday, so we're trying to that. Although, I don't know how I talk with her in the future, but it can't be that hard, right?

"So how are you feeling now, that we found Hwan, Chang-nim and Hui-Seon?"

"Better. They gave me hope. Plus I told you that Hwan would be the jackpot. He'll be able to help us more, which makes me relieved. I feel less alone in the situation. And Chang-nim of course is great moral support. She's a great girlfriend." I nod.

"What about you? How do you feel about everything?"

"Curious I guess? I mean, now that I met 4 of you, I want to meet the others. You guys are great, I never knew that I'll be this excited to get old and have a family." we chuckle.

"The future is great dad, this is only one out of the thousand times V has turned the world upside down." she gives me a kiss on the cheeck."Good night."

I smile. "Good night."

Taehyung's P.O.V.

I picked some clothes out for Chang-nim while she was in the shower. I put them on her (my) bed. I smiled, I was pleased with myself.

I went to take a shower in Namjoon's bathroom while she was dressing. When I came back I was happy to see her asleep in my bed.

I kissed her good night, and went to sleep with a smile on my face.

Jimin's P.O.V.

Hui-Seon was in the bathroom FOREVER. I have no idea, what took her so long, but I gave up and went to Jungkook's bathroom. He probably didn't mind, he was finishing a movie with Yoongi and Hwan.

When I went back I saw her in one of my expensive pyjamas. Of course. She smiled at me.

"Will you sleep with me?" she asks.

"Do you want me to?"

She just shrugs."I don't mind, if you don't want to sleep on the floor. Maybe you're younger now, but you're still my dad."

"Well....if it's not a problem."

She smiles "Not at all." She lifts the covers up and pets the space next to her. I get in next to her and pull the blanket over us. I turn the lights off and mutter a 'good night'. She hugs me and says it back. I can't help but hug her back, and stay awake until I know for sure that she's asleep. Then I fall asleep peacefully.

Yoongi's P.O.V.

After we finished the movie, Hwan insisted that Jungkook doesn't leave until he finishes showering, so he can kiss him good night. Jungkook didn't mind at all.

In spite of his promise, we both went to quickly shower in the others bathroom. Fortunately we managed to finish before he did. Before Jungkook and I could get into a conversation, we heard him shout from inside.

"Dads! I don't have pyjamas!"

"What coloured clothes do you want?" I shout back.


Jungkook just chuckles, while I get a black sweater out with the smallest black pants I could find. Then I throw it in the bathroom without looking in of course. I have to respect my son's privacy. Plus I know I said that I wanted to get to know him, .....but there are things that I'm not that curious about.

A minute later he comes out looking like an angel. The sweater is too big for him, falling off of his shoulders, showing his porcelan skin. The huge sweater gave him adorable sweater paws, which he was grabbing the pants with, so they wouldn't fall off of him. His cheeks were pink, from the heat of the shower. His hair dark and messy, but in a way that it looked attractive. The overall black outfit giving contrast to his already pale complexion, making him shine.

Both me and Jungkook were speechless for a hot minute. We only realised that we were staring with open mouths, when he started to blush, his face heating up more. He looked down shyly. I was the first one to speak.

"So...."gulp" you're ready for bed."

"Yesh I'm tired." We cooed, he literally talks like a baby when he's tired."Daddy are you sleeping with me?" he asks me while climbing into bed cutely. Jesus, everything he did was cute.

"If you want me to then yes." he grabs my hand and pulls me into bed.

"Well, good night Hwan." Jungkook kisses his forehead.

"Good night daddy." he kisses he's cheek.

"Good night hyung."

"Good night Jungkook." he left.

I turned the lights off, and lied down, just to have Hwan climbing over me, desperately cuddling me with his smaller figure.

I cuddle him back and chuckle. "Good night Hwan."

"Noooooooo. You always say sweet dreams!" He's pout is so strong, I can see it in the dark.

"Does it matter to you that much?"

"Yes! After our not so mommy mum left, I had nightmares of the bad memories with her. Since then, you always telk me sweet dreams, to make sure I don't sleep with nightmares."

It breaks my heart to hear that. "Oh....sweet dreams son."

He puts his head right on my heart. "Sweet dreams father."

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