Chapter 45

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I quickly turn around and hug him as tight as possible."Shhh, it's okay, I got you now." He says as he wraps his arms around me.
I can't help but cry, and break down. Everything that happened, everything I've down is all crashing down on me in this moment. I can't believe he's here. He shouldn't be. I did this to him, I ruined everything. I regret so much.

"Please stop crying, don't feel bad, we're all gonna be okay." he tries to calm me, just like he was reading my thoughts.

When he finally lets go of me, he wipes away my tears and smiles at me. I feel so quilty."How can you smile at me? I don't deserve it."

He just keeps smiling at me, kindly."I'm smiling at you, because I love you. And It doesn't matter what you do, I'll always love you." he takes my hand and guides me to the sofa.

We sit in silence for a bit, as I try to gather myself. "Now tell me V, honestly." he looks me in the eye."Why? What did you do and why?"

I gulp, and feel my heartbeat increase again. I can no longer keep it a secret. I have to confess the full truth. "Well" I take a deep breathe."I've been thinking, for awhile now. About dad, and Hwan, and Yoongi. And everything that happened to us. But most importantly, that they didn't deserve any of it. Not one of them. And the more I thought about it.....the more I thought it was my fault, and I could fix it. I found...this odd book years ago, it was full of hidden messages. The messages told you how to build a time travel machine. I never used it, because I didn't think it was right. Nor did I have a reason to. But it started to keep me up at night. That there's a way, to give them the happiness they deserve, and I'm hiding it, instead of using it. So I decided that I have to. That it will be for the better."

"You were wrong. You shouldn't have done that! Their problems are not your fault!"

"But they are! My dad....could've lived a beautiful and happy life, with a normal daughter and a wife, instead of loosing everything and being stuck with a useless, and crazy kid like me!" I couldn't but scream the words. The words that were on my mind for so long, but I never dared to say them out loud.

"You're so wrong...your dad choosed you over them, because he loves YOU, he wants YOU, and he needs YOU in his life. I can't even imagine the pain he would feel if he heard the stupid things you say."

"It doesn't matter, because he will never hear them. In fact he will never hear my voice ever again."

"What do you mean? We can't go back?"

"No, you can, but I can't."

"What are you talking about?"

"The time travel machine's purpose is not to change the past, but to go back somewhere, and stay there. Permenantly." I turn my gaze to the floor.

"What....but....then how can we go back? I don't....understand...."

"You can go back, because you didn't take the pills."


"In order to adapt to your 'new time', you have to take time pills. I took them. The perfect amount for the time I've chosen to live in."

"Which is ours right? Your coming back with us, correct?" he wanted to sound threatening, but I heard his voice crack.

"No. It's 2013. I choose that year, because that's when they debuted. That's when dad's life really started. And if I can't be a part of it, I at least want to see it. Them, going through all of those great things together and being happy. It's what I always wanted..."

"No,no,no please why would you do something like that?! Don't you understand, you make him the happiest!"

"I don't. He makes me the happiest. And that's different."

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