chapter two

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I follow behind Jungkook, our footsteps echoing throughout the long hallway. The only thing illuminating the space is the moonlight streaming through the window at the far end of the hall.

Finally he makes a turn, leading to a smaller corridor with a door at the end of it. He swings open the door and switches the light on, revealing a desk with piles of tattoo sketches on it. I marvel at them in awe, wondering how someone can make something look as magical as these designs just with ink and their hands.

I get snapped out of my trance when Jungkook clears his throat. I glance at him and he gestures toward a black chair. "Have a seat."

I take my coat off, draping it around the back of the chair and sit down. He rolls a stool over next to me. "Alright, your name's Haru, right?"

I nod as he slips a pair of latex gloves on. "Okay, so you want this-" He turns away and coughs into his arm, rather violently.

I furrow my brows, "Are you okay?"

He nods, "Yeah, I'm fine I just have a bad cough. Um, so anyway you want this design?" Um, okay then.

"Yeah, it really stood out to me for some reason. I think it's really pretty," I say, trying to start a conversation with this anti-social cherry head. To my surprise, I earn a small reaction.

"Thanks, I'm glad you like it," he says with a small smile.

He rummages around through a few drawers, the only other sound filling the air besides the music from what I'm assuming is quietly being played from his laptop.

"I see swimming pools and living rooms and aero planes~"

I glance over at Jungkook, partially surprised that he's completely comfortable with singing in front of me, but mainly because he can even sing in the first place.

"I see a little house on the hill and children's names~"

His voice is breathtakingly...beautiful. It's like honey when mixed into warm green tea-subtle yet sweet. Every note of the song is reached with the smooth wave of his voice. It's a sound so special that you could fall asleep to, but makes you want to fight your dreariness to be able to continue hearing the angelic melody.

"Only fools fall~"

He turns around and I quickly divert my attention to my shirt, pretending to pick on a nonexistent thread. My scheme fails, as I see that small curve of his lips form once again.

He sets down the tattoo gun and stretches his arms back, tilting his head side to side before rolling up his sleeves. Ok cherry head I get it, you're gorgeous.

"Alright, so where are you wanting this tattoo?" He asks. When I remember where I wanted it, I immediately blush.

"Uhm, I was thinking along my right side, the side of where my rib cage is," I hesitantly say, but he just nods casually.

"Alright, I'm gonna need you to take off your shirt so I can see that area."

I'm sorry what?

When he sees how shocked I am at his request, he scoffs, "Listen, I'm not a pervert. I've seen everything you have and everything you don't have." Well okay then cherry head.

"Sorry, this is my first time doing something like this. So please just bare with me, okay?" I state, putting a hint of annoyance into my voice. Two can play this game.

Hellishly Angelic || jjk ✓Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora