chapter fifty-two

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I glance at the landscape rushing past me through the window, everything becoming blurry because of the rain.

From the corner of my eye, I see Jimin staring out the window too. When I turn my head to look at him, I see his eyes brimming with tears.

"I used to always love the rain. Even when it there was thunder and lightning. But now," he gulps, a tear sliding down his cheek, "Now it seems like the sky is crying. It's crying for Jungkook."

I brush away his tears, wrapping an arm around him. "The rain stops too. It always stops," I glance out the window, "All of this is only temporary."

"Can it," Jimin pauses, taking a trembling breath, "Can it go by faster? I w-want Jungkook to get better. I don't like seeing him like this. I d-don't like it..." his voice trails away as he breaks into tears.

"I don't like it either," I respond, trying to keep myself from crying again. Jimin leans his head against my shoulder, trembling.

I can't even begin to imagine how Jimin feels right now. He's known Jungkook longer than any of us.

He most definitely already knew that this was gonna happen, which is probably worse than not knowing until now.

It's like watching a ticking time-bomb, but not being able to do anything about it. Just watching a boy go from being full of life to laying in a hospital bed.

It's not even like he could help pay for all of the preventative measures either.

I lightly scoff, suddenly feeling annoyed. Why is it that everything is so revolved around money?

Why can't things like surgeries that'll save somebody's life just be free?

Why are so many people so driven by money? And only money?

Tears begin brimming in my eyes, and I frown. I look out the window, not wanting to be seen by other people on the train.

The clouds loom by, casting a gray haze over everything. Jimin's words come rushing through my mind again.

When will this all come to an end?

{ A / N }

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