chapter six

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I yawn, stirring honey into my steaming chamomile tea. I hate having morning classes, especially when it's cold outside and I don't want to get out of bed. I walk over to my couch, tea in hand, and wrap myself in a throw blanket, getting comfortable. I pull out my phone and open up Instagram, taking a sip of my tea.

Then I almost choke.

I see a picture of Taera surrounded by seven or eight other people. They're all standing in what appears to be some kind of nightclub. But one person in particular catches my eye.


I scoff in disbelief. Are you kidding me? They literally just met yesterday and they're already going out together.

I stare at Jungkook, playfulness etched into every part of his face. He has an arm wrapped around Taera, who's wearing a sparkly low cut top and a miniskirt that does a terrible job of covering her bottom half up. I gulp, a bitter feeling washing over me.

I turn my phone off and throw it on the opposite side of the couch. I let my head roll back as I sigh. Why am I getting so upset? Jungkook would totally be the kind of guy to sleep around, I should've known this. The camera incident yesterday was just him trying to help me, and I just started freaking out because I haven't been that close to a guy in a long time.

That's all.

I pick up my phone again, and after a moment, decide to text Jimin.


Jimin: haru-ssi!! how've you been?

i've been okay i guess. what about you?

Jimin: pretty good. so what's up?

could i come over to the shop for a bit?
my class doesn't start until 8:30 so i
have some time to kill.

Jimin: is that even a question?? of course
you can! remember you can come
whenever you want to :)

alright, cool! i'll be on my way there
in a few.

With this I turn my phone off again, drinking the last sip of my tea. I quickly get dressed and head out the door, making my way to the shop. No matter how hard I try, I can't get that picture out of my mind. He looked like he was having the time of his life. Whatever.

I open the door, the warmth of the shop hugging me. I smile, expecting to see Jimin, but instead I see two other guys.

One of them wears an oversized black shirt with dark torn jeans. Unlike the others, his soft pink lips are free from piercings, and any tattoos he has are hidden from sight. However, he has some on his hands, and the letters MYG (presumably his initials) are written in small but dark, bold letters on his neck. He wears a dark mask and a black hat with rings looped on the edge of it, covering the majority of his face. But the parts of his skin that I can see are milky white, clashing hard against his attire.

His friend, though, is the complete opposite. His bright yellow shirt compliments the playful look in his almond eyes. His hair is a chocolatey brown color, bangs covering his forehead. The letters JHS (am I even surprised at this point) are on his wrist. He does have a lot of tattoos, but fewer than the others.

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