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Ignoring the bad feeling in the pit of her gut, Melissa jogs in place as she spots everyone either stretching or getting the clearing ready for the baseball game. The storm hasn't begun yet, but they clouds have grown darker. It is nearing. A sigh escapes her lips as she sees Edward appear with Bella. She rolls her eyes but pushes her envy for the human aside.

"I'm glad you're here." Esme says as she approaches Bella. "We needed an umpire."

"She thinks we cheat." Emmett comments.

"I know you cheat." Esme replies with a sly grin. "Call em as you see em, Bella."

and the first rumble of thunder sounds.

"It's time." Alice sings and everyone gets in their places.


"Stop!" Alice calls over the commotion, causing everyone to stop. "They were leaving, but they heard us."

"Let's go." Edward says to the human.

"It's too late." Melissa whispers as she smells the vampires, they're human feeders.

"Let your hair down." Edward insists.

"Like that'll help." Rosalie sneers. "I could smell her from across the field."

Melissa blocks out Edward and Bella as three figures leave the trees. The hybrid quits breathing when see catches sight of a familiar nomadic vampire. The three vampires walk gracefully across the field, so much so it looks like they're flying. The darker vampire finds Melissa, and his eyes widen in slight surprise but soon recovers.

"I believe this belongs to you." Laurent speaks, and throws the baseball to the Cullen's.

"Thank you." Carlisle says as he catches the ball.

"I am Laurent, this is Victoria and James." The Frenchman explains.

"I'm Carlisle. and this is my family." Carlisle says.

Laurent looks at them all, his gaze lingers on Melissa a little longer. "Hello."

"I'm afraid your hunting activities have caused quite the mess for us." Carlisle claims.

"Oy apologies." Laurent says. "We didn't know this territory was already claimed."

"Yes, well, we hold a permanent residence nearby." Carlisle replies and notices the trembling look in Melissa's eyes.

"Really?" Laurent asks, seeming genuinely shocked. "Well, we wont be a problem anymore. We were just passing through."

"I've heard that before." Melissa mutters, all the vampires heard it, Laurent sighs at her.

"The humans were tracking us, but we led them east." The redhead, Victoria, speaks up, she has noticed Melissa for the very first time. "You should be safe."

"Excellent." Melissa is the one to reply, causing Laurent to smile at her voice.

"Could you use three more players?" Laurent asks the leader of the Olympic Coven, and notices the hesitation. "Oh, come on. Just one more game."

"Sure, why not." Carlisle finally replies. "A few of us were just leaving."

Melissa grabs the ball and throws it. "We bat first."

Victoria catches it, her red eyes meeting Melissa's blue ones. "I'm the one with the wicked curve ball."

"We can handle that." Jasper replies.

"We shall see."

Bella goes to leave but the wind blows her hair. James stiffens at the aroma of the delicious smelling blood.

"You've brought a snack." James threatens.

Melissa flashes forward and squats in front of him, protecting the new member of their family.

"A human?" Laurent gasps, he is staring at Melissa.

She meets his eyes. "The girl is with us."

"Very well." Laurent replies as he turns away. "James."

"What do you want?" Melissa asks as Laurent jumps up and lands on the balcony at the Cullen's place.

"I have missed you, Melissa." Laurent caresses her cheek. "But that is not why I'm here."

"What is it, Laurent?" Melissa asks, noticing the seriousness. "What's wrong?"

Laurent traps her against the banister. "I come with a warning."

"A warning?" Melissa asks, puzzled.

"This is not my fight." Laurent says as he allows them two to go down the stairs. "James has grown rather parallel. He has grown out of control."

Melissa touches his shoulders softly as the other hear what he said. "I appreciate this."

"There is a coven in Alaska who'd accept you." Carlisle tells him with a generous smile.

"Thank you, so much." Laurent smiles, and kisses Melissa's head. "I'll see you soon, Melissa Whitlock."

And with that, Laurent's gone.

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