The Mall

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I always shopped when I was in a happy mood. However, since I feel so depressed. I like nothing I tried on and I felt that my body looked so ugly. The girls kept trying to cheer me on to buy stuff, but I decided to just window shop today and see if anything grabbed my attention.

"So Calista, do you think that Axel will reject you when you get home? We can stay here as long as you want you know. I absolutely love the mall, I could live here if that was allowed!" Jade commented. Blunt much?

"You know Jade, I am not really sure what he plans on doing. But you know rejection works both ways, so I might end up rejecting him. Who knows, really?" I snapped. Maybe I was too hasty, but I couldn't possibly keep my cool after her passive-aggressive comment.

"Come on guys! We are here to have fun and get Cal's mind away from the drama in her life," she beamed, "And you know what I am so extremely hungry. Let's go get something to eat," she continued, dragging me and Jade towards the food court.

We finally ordered and started eating our food. I tried eating in silence, but Jade just kept trying to start conversations with me, and I would have been grateful if they weren't demeaning in some way.

"So, Cal," Jade began sharing her ever-so-depleted wisdom using the nickname Andrea gave me. For some reason, that just rubbed me the wrong way.

"Yeah," I answered with a mouthful. The least I can do was enjoy the food while enduring her annoying voice. I just don't like this girl. I also hated how she kept on describing how sexy everything she bought was. I mean, lady, I was there when you picked them out, tried them out, and waited in line for thirty minutes for you to pay for them.

"You should have bought something. I mean the sweats you're wearing, make you look so out of shape." And now I really don't like this girl.

"I didn't really like anything I tried on." I tried keeping it to the point, and not really talking to her. I swear I love the mall, but never again am I going to come here if she will be here too.

"Oh, I'm sorry, honey, I bet it is so hard for you when you shop. You are too short for pants or maxi skirts. Hmm and I bet your small boobs and tiny ass don't help when it comes to finding the right size or anything sexy. Maybe that is why Axel wants to reject you and hasn't mated with you yet," she carelessly said, stuffing her mouth with her salad. Ex-fucking-cuse me? Who the hell does she think she is? I glanced at Andrea and saw here biting her lip uncomfortably.

"For your information, he hasn't rejected me yet and my body is not a topic of discussion. I refuse to do the Lunar Trials and get judged by the Council. So, if that means he's rejecting me, so be it. Your Alpha is trash anyeay." I jibed back.

"Are you crazy? If I were Axel's mate, I would do anything, even those trials. I mean they aren't that hard."

"Yes, they are, Jade." I heard Andrea mumble, trying not to get into the middle of what was going on, but too uncomfortable to stay quiet.

"Calista, as a friend, I think I should tell you that I think Axel is just using the Lunar Trials as a way to get out of being mated to you. I mean I bet if he were mated me, he wouldn't even bring those up." Bitch says what?

"You know what, Jade? You aren't mated to him, so for fuck's sake stop using his first name. Call him Alpha like everyone else," I stood up exasperated with what was happening. "Also, we aren't friends, so why don't you shove your so-called friendship up your ass because I'd rather hear a cat scratching a wall then your voice."

I maneuvered my way out of the booth we were sitting in, and thanked Andrea for inviting me with them, telling her that I am tired, and I want to go home. Although, Axel's place wasn't really my home, which made me even more upset.

"You should stay, really," Andrea pleaded.

"It's fine. I just want time for myself. I had a ton of fun," I lied.

I made my way to the trash bin to dump my food only hearing a faint, "What crawled up her ass and died," followed by a "Shut up already, Jade."

I shook my head and walked away, mumbling a whatever.

I kept walking aimlessly around the mall, until I finally saw a cute little store with some weird items in the window. However, what really caught my eye was the most beautiful masquerade mask, I had ever seen. It was gold adorned with beautiful embellishments, glitter, gems, and lace. It had holes and varying shapes strategically placed. Then the idea stuck me: I will host a masquerade ball for all werewolves at the Blood Venom Pack and neighboring regions, and hopefully Mason's mate will be there. It is mysterious, and fun, and balls tend to get people excited. I'll call it, the Lunar Masquerade Ball. I just need to get the OK from Axel. But, I am optimistic it will work. So, I walked in, bought the mask, and headed out with more hope, not for me per se, but for Mason.

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