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Axel gave me a quizzical look, and put his gun back in its case. 

"What are you doing?" I asked confused. 

"We will do your way of dealing with the Council. And, I need to inform my Beta and Gamma of my decision. You're right,  that might be best." 

"So what do we do in the mean time?" I stand there a bit confused. He was so adamant of hurting them, and now he changed his mind. Did he not want me there for that? Did he not want me to see that side of him? A murderous side that I didn't know he quite had. Is he trying to distract me, so I when the shit goes down, my guard is down? 

"I don't know, You can tell me how your last week away from Blood Venom was. Or we can get to know each other a bit better and talk about lighter topics." 

"Alright, let's get to know each other then." 

"How do you suggest we do that?" 

"We can go out. Do something romantic." I suggested. 

"You want to go on a date with me?" He asked somewhat surprised, but fully entertaining the thought. 

"Yes, isn't that what people do to get to know each other better?"

"Okay, then come on let's go," he said grabbing my hand, and leading me out the door.


"On a date, like you wanted," he answered with a genuine smile on his face.

"No," I laughed, "I look like a mess, and I am not even dressed properly for a date. I'm just in an oversized T-shirt and shorts. I don't want to look like this for our first official date."

"You look beautiful." I never believed I was, but when he says it, I feel beautiful.

"Just give me ten minutes, and I will be right back." I dashed out of his office and up the stairs towards my room, not really giving him a chance to stop me. I was suddenly feeling nervous. What if this date goes terribly? But, a part of me was feeling happy and excited. This could be exactly what we need to get ourselves on the right footing. As I was heading towards my room, I didn't notice another person in the hall, because the next thing I knew was that I bumped shoulders with someone.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to—," I started saying until I noticed the person who I bumped into, "Oh, it's you. Well, in that case, I'm not sorry at all. I hope that hurt."

"Rude much?" Jade spit back, sounding angry. Why does her voice get on my nerves so much? I simply rolled my eyes and walked past her.

"I didn't know you came back," she informed me as I was walking away from her.

"We're keeping it a secret for now. It might be best to keep your yappy mouth shut and not tell anyone. You wouldn't want to disappoint Axel, now would you?" I said, turning around to face her.

"I know you don't like me."

"Good, I was scared that I wasn't making myself clear." I was starting to get upset that this bitch might ruin my night with Axel before it even starts.

"Listen, the last time we interacted, you slapped me because you thought I was making moves on your man," she reminded me.

"So? Want me to slap you again?" I was starting to lose my patience with this girl.

"Well that was only because he said that he would let me leave the pack if I meet my mate during the masquerade ball. Jace was acting like an idiot and was saying that he wasn't going to let me be with him, and that my mate would have to move here if he wants to be with me. But Axel said that he would handle Jace if he acted out. That was the reason I was excited in his office. I wasn't really going after Axel," she said.

"So, my mate just agrees to every request you ask of him?" I ask, as I grow more frustrated. She isn't even mates with him, and they have a better relationship. Why am I so jealous of her. 

"Calista, every single memory of my childhood has Axel in it somehow. He was someone I looked up to, literally, and whenever I wanted anything, Axel would do it for me. He just saw me as a younger sister. While I did crush on him for the longest time, and I knew that he wasn't my mate, a girl is allowed to dream." 

"Whatever, I have something I need to get ready for." I smiled without letting the smile reach my eyes. I am just so done with Jade, she has been nothing but a horrible person from the minute I met her, and I didn't like her explanation. A part of me was jealous that Axel didn't blindly agree to every impulse I had. 

"For the record, the only way he agreed to handle Jace's outburst was if I promised not to challenge you during the Trials. He had your best interest at heart, and I fulfilled my end of the deal. Didn't I?"

"Yes, you did. So, did you find your mate, and if so, when are you leaving?" I tried not to sound too eager.

"Actually, my mate agreed to leave his pack and join this one, so I am not going anywhere. So, the whole thing of asking Axel was kind of unnecessary afterall." I just rolled my eyes at her and wanted to continue walking. I promised Axel I will only take ten minutes and this is taking way too long.

"Calista, I'm sorry I didn't make you feel welcome. I take it back and I hope we can move past our differences. Oh and by the way, I never was going to challenge you during the Trials, with or without Axel's request. I thought you were exactly the balance Axel needed in his life."

"Is this supposed to make me like you?" I asked, still despising this girl somehow.

"No, I guess not," she said as she walked down the hall.

With that, I sprinted towards the room, headed towards the closet, and thanked my lucky stars that I had done some shopping before the masquerade ball and brought some of my old stuff from the Mystic Pack. Now, what should I wear? 

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