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I was expecting him to say something, but he just stared blankly at me. And so did Mason. I couldn't tell if Axel's expression was showing anger towards me or towards Mason, because of the previous conversation they were having.

"Um, don't look at me like that, it isn't like you were the best mate to me. And, when I concocted this plan, I wasn't thinking of actually staying here and doing the Trials," I defended.

"You know what guys? This took a really ugly turn. I think I am gonna go," I heard Mason say as he slipped out through Axel's office door, not forgetting to mouth a "sorry" to me. However, I wasn't really paying attention to Mason because my angry mate was staring daggers at my face.

"Well, it wasn't like you were a good mate either. So, get off your fucking high horse!" He cursed at me.

"Excuse me?" I voiced out my disbelief. How dare he? I have been nothing but patient, caring, and kind to him.

"Hmm, let's see what little Calista has done so far. Actually, I can think of at least ten things you have done off the top of my head."

"Oh yeah, like what?" This is a bad idea. This will only lead to a bigger fight. Shut it down now. Stupid me wants to know, though.

"Well for starters, you were eavesdropping on my private conversation with my Beta." Ouch, he has a point there. "You came up with plans behind my back, you disrespected me—" he continued saying. But, I had to interrupt him.

"Alpha, you earn respect. It is not a privilege. So, why don't you get off your freaking high horse?"

"I am the Alpha of this pack!"

"And I am your mate! We are supposed to be equals. So, that means you need to earn respect from me. You can't just expect it!"

"Fine, if you will be holding the fact that we are mates over my head, then why do you favor my Beta over me?"

"Because he wasn't the one to leave me in a cold dungeon for hours after finding me. He wasn't the one who scared me half to death every time he looked at me. He wasn't the one who left me deal with my heat on my own.  And let's not forget that I would be dead if it wasn't for him being there that night. And you know what, he wasn't the one who punched and bloodied my dad! In what universe is that even okay?"

"A universe in which werewolves exist and lower ranks are supposed to respect an Alpha, especially when they are on said Alpha's pack lands."

Ignoring his idiotic comment, I countered, "You were never there when I needed you most."

"Says the person who planned and executed her escape a day after she got here," he forced out.

"W-What? How do you know about that? Mason was supposed to keep that a secret," I stuttered.

"How many times do I need to explain that I know everything that goes on here?"

"So, not only do you drive me away, but when I leave you don't try to bring me back. Wow." He knew that I had left his pack grounds that day, and he had done nothing about it. I was so...hurt.

"I get it.  Finding you was unexpected for me too. I understand. But just do me a favor and make yourself busy for the ball. Don't show up. Leave the pack for the night or something," I answered with a low voice, too embarrassed to even keep talking to him. How many signs do I need to know that I am not wanted here? Every time I feel that we are making progress, we go back to square one. I don't think I can handle this anymore.

"You do realize how stupid it sounds that you are kicking me out of my own pack, right?"

"I am not kicking you out. It is my party, and I am officially uninviting you. I really wanted to have a princess moment with you. But, our relationship is already so screwed up, and you will only get in the way of Mason's happiness," I calmly stated. I knew I was being ridiculous. Yet, it felt justified, and I really wanted to take a break from all the madness that is this relationship. I headed towards the door, feeling defeated.

"Okay," I heard him say before I slammed the door shut. My eyes became blurry with tears. I lifted my hand to dry my tears with my sleeve. When my vision became clear again, my eyes locked with the devil's.

"Jade. What the hell are you doing here?" I said through grit teeth.

"Now, now Calista, Luna's aren't supposed to use words like hell," she taunted.

"Really? Then how the hell am I supposed to describe the firey pit of torture that you came from?" I was so not in the mood for this bitch.

"You can just call it your worst nightmare," she said with the fakest smile on her face. "Move out of my way, I need to talk to Axel."

"He's busy," I said, blocking her way.

"Don't be dumb. Axel is never too busy for me," she sneered, making her way around me and towards his office door. She walked in, winking back at me.

She spent a couple minutes in his office, and I really wanted to listen to what they were saying, but the bitch was whispering to him something that I couldn't make out through the thick door and my labored breathing. I think she knew I was outside and made sure I couldn't hear her. 

"Oh! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I heard her squeal. I was dying to know what all this gratitude was about. But, when the door burst open, I tried to maintain an indifferent appearance.

"Isn't he the best?" she asked me as the door sprung open, with the largest smile on her face. I couldn't tell if it were real or not, but there was a huge chance she was being sincere. She was in his office after all, and he did something she wanted.

"Totally," I drew out sarcastically.

If only murder were legal. 

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