january 19th

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Mia was rudely awoken on Saturday morning to the sound of the lawnmower being brought to life right outside her window. After trying to get back to sleep with her pillow over her head, she finally accepted that sleep was now impossible and slowly got out of bed. Angie had also been woken up, and was just as grumpy about the fact. Angie rubbed her eyes and looked at Mia.

"Any plans for today?" she said, her voice heavy with sleep.

"Not much, just watching Cassie play rugby this afternoon." This caused Angie to perk up a bit, and she grinned cheekily.

"Aww, are you going to watch your big strong girlfriend play rugby?" She teased, and yelped when a pillow hit her full force in the face. "Hey!"

"Shut up." Right on cue, Mia's phone buzzed with a new text. Angie reached out and swiped the phone out of Mia's reach and read the new text.

"'see you at the game' that's so sweet!" Angie gushed. Mia laughed.

"Hardly, I think you forget that this is a fake relationship to get back at my ex-boyfriend, so we have to appear to be spending more time together."

"To be fair, you are spending more time with each other; I don't think you had really spoken to each other before this whole thing." Angie pointed out, scrolling through Cassie and Mia's old messages.

"It was part of our agreement that I would go to Cassie's rugby matches. In exchange, I'm taking her shopping for ball outfits tomorrow." Angie perked up at that.

"Can I come with you two? Not to third wheel, but I want to get my outfit early, as there's still a bunch of Christmas and New Year sales in shops, if I wait it will just be more expensive." Mia smiled at her.

"Sure! It'll be a fun trip out."

Mia and Angie spent the morning relaxing in their room, trying to answer the questions set for their history homework. Angie gave up twenty minutes into their studying and resorted to scrolling through social media as she hung upside down from her bed. As Mia was working, Angie sat up abruptly, still glued to her phone.

"Mia, are you still following Max on your socials?"

"No, I blocked him everywhere shortly after he cheated on me and dumped me over text, why?" Mia replied flatly without looking up from her history textbook.

"Well I'm going to show you this because I feel like he doesn't know that you've blocked him." Angie turned her phone to show Mia, who looked at Angie sceptically.

"Why are you following him still? I thought you hated him." Angie waved her off.

"Research purposes, obviously, now look at this." She said. Mia looked at the phone, which was showing an Instagram post by Max, which showed a photo of Max kissing some girl, with the caption: the love of my life. Mia raised an eyebrow. Angie mimicked vomiting.

"That's absolutely gross is what that is, and you and Cassie absolutely need to post something even more cheesy as soon as possible." Angie said. "Hell, I'll take pictures for you two if it helps to get back at that dirt bag." She seemed to have an idea. "When does the game finish later?"

"Uh, I think it finishes at four thirty." Mia paused. "Why?"

"I'm going to take a picture of you two after that so you can post it on your social media. I'm not watching the whole match though, no way. Be sure to look cute for your pictures!" Angie finished in a singsong voice. "I can't wait to see Max's face when you two go public." She said, before leaving their room to go and pick up some lunch for the pair of them. Mia finished her homework and got dressed out of her pyjamas into a thick sweater and skirt with some woolly tights. It was still freezing cold outside and it would get colder before it got warmer, and Mia did not want to get cold if she was going to be sat outside for a few hours. She was rummaging through her wardrobe looking for a hat and scarf when Angie reappeared with lunch in a paper bag.

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