february 14th

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The following day, Mia got up early in order to get ready to deliver the roses to everyone before lessons started. Two other members of the prefect team had volunteered to help Mia, so together they went to the caretaker's office to pick up the roses in batches. They soon discovered that wearing gloves would be a good idea, as trying to hold large bundles of roses was proving to be quite painful.

Mia had been designated to deliver roses to any students in the third and fourth years, and she made her way around to the rooms, knocking on the doors and delivering the notes and roses to students, which were received with somewhat mixed results. Most people who received were excited , but there were a few who were simply confused that they had received any, as well as few kids who looked at Mia expectantly for more when they only got one or two. It took all of Mia's restraint to not roll her eyes at those particularly snobby rich kids and moved on to the next delivery.

The whole operation took just under an hour, so when Mia was finally done, she made her way straight to the dining hall, and joined Cassie, Angie and Phoebe at their table, who were already finishing up their breakfast.

"Ah look, the little rose fairy has returned from her rounds!" Angie teased as Mia sat down with a sigh of relief. Cassie raised an eyebrow at that.

"'Little rose fairy'?" she asked Angie.

"You know, kind of like the tooth fairy but she delivers roses and doesn't steal your teeth."

"Wouldn't it just be easier to call her Cupid?" Phoebe pointed out, making Angie clasp her face and groan.

"How did I miss that?" She asked exasperatedly, making Mia laugh.

"Well, whatever I am, every single rose was delivered, all three hundred of them, which is an achievement in itself." Angie and Cassie shared a look at this, but didn't say anything. Mia didn't think anything of it, and prepared for her English lesson that morning.

Mia didn't get a chance to go back to her dorm room until the afternoon just before her history lesson that afternoon. As she entered the room, she noticed that there was a single rose sat carefully on her bed, with a little note identical to the notes she had been delivering to people that morning. She picked up the short note carefully and read it through.

To Mia Valentine,

You may be a valentine, so will you be mine?

Love, your Cassie x

Even if Cassie hadn't signed the note, Mia would have still recognised her handwriting and she smiled, reading the note over and over again, and Mia felt her heart melt into mush. She was such a sap for anything romantic, and this was absolutely no exception. She smiled fondly at the small note, and found an old bottle lying around on her desk that she filled with water and put the rose into, as it was already starting to look a bit sad from being out of water for so long. When Mia saw Cassie later in history, she ran and gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Ah, I'm guessing you've been to your room now?" Cassie asked.

"You know that you're not supposed to sign Valentine's Day cards right?" Mia pointed out.

"You're not? Oh well, it's not like it wasn't obvious."

"I don't know, I might have had another secret admirer." Mia teased, making Cassie roll her eyes. "Don't worry though babe, I only have eyes for you." She assured Cassie, who tried to look like she couldn't care less, but Mia noticed her smile giddily to herself. 


another short update im afraid

next ones on tuesday and thursday are longer i promise ;)


Sealed with a Kiss | ✓Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz