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Two years later

No matter how many times she travelled on it, the time it took the train to travel from central London to central Paris was still baffling and mind blowing to Mia. In just two and a half hours, her girlfriend could go from being two hundred miles away to being right there, in Paris. Mia watched the arrivals board at the Gare du Nord train station, and when the board finally displayed platform number two, and Mia hurried over to the platform, where the train was slowly pulling into the station. Mia was buzzing with excitement, and it took all of her restraint to not jump up and down in public. A flood of people poured out of the train as soon as it came to a stop and Mia moved out of the way of the hordes of people that were filing through the ticket barriers. She scanned the crowds and eventually her eyes fell on the person she was looking for.

Cassie was somehow taller than she had been two years ago, which she claimed was due to her hitting second puberty (which Mia pointed out was impossible and definitely not a thing) and her dirty blonde hair had grown since Mia had last seen her, and it was almost at her waist. She had a grey beanie on her head to protect her from the cold Parisian winter weather with a pair of headphones on top, and she was bundled up in a long knitted scarf. She was wearing some skinny ripped jeans, (which seemed to defeat the purpose of wearing all of her winter clothing) and a pair of heavy duty boots, as well as a large leather jacket over an oversized sweater. She was dragging a small suitcase behind her

Mia waved at her from her vantage point, but didn't seem to be able to catch Cassie's attention, so she called her. Cassie pulled her phone out and answered the phone.

"Hey, I'm here."

"Yeah, I can see you." Cassie looked around as she said this, but still seemed unable to spot Mia.

"Where are you? I can't see you." She confirmed and Mia giggled. As soon as she had passed through the ticket barriers, Mia dashed up to her and tackled her with a hug, which almost knocked Cassie off balance. She laughed and lifted Mia up and spun her around. When Cassie gently put Mia back down, she moved her hands up from Mia's waist to her face, which she cradled gently with her gloved hands and pulled her close to kiss her deeply. Her lips were cold in the winter air but her breath tasted of mint and coffee. Mia sighed into the familiarity of the kiss and pulled Cassie even closer. Eventually they broke apart to breathe and Mia became very aware that they were still very much in public.

"Hi." She breathed out. Cassie chuckled.

"Hi." Cassie smiled at Mia and Mia felt her heart stop for just a moment. She reached around and grabbed Cassie's suitcase.

"Come on, let's get out of the cold and back to my apartment." Cassie seemed happy with that plan, and was more than happy to let Mia lead the way through the busy train station. They travelled across Paris until they got to Mia's apartment. Cassie had only been at her apartment once since she had moved in at the beginning of September, and the apartment had changed greatly since she had been there.

As Christmas was drawing closer and closer by the day, there was a small Christmas tree in the corner of the living room which Mia's roommate had decorated with little multi-coloured blinking lights and red and gold baubles. The apartment was decorated with tinsel and Christmas cards, and across the sofa was draped a large blanket with little reindeer printed on it. There were a few candles littered around the room making the room smell of cinnamon and pine. Cassie looked around the room in awe. Once Mia had locked the door, Cassie turned to Mia, who was shedding her outermost layers of her coat, hat and scarf. Cassie crowded her up against the wall, making Mia giggle and reach up to loop her arms around Cassie's neck, pulling her impossibly closer.

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