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2. Oranges

DAD'S COAT was worn out when he walked through the door. His lean frame was all that smaller when he wore his hideously long and thick Jack Thom coat. "I made you some soup. It's on the kitchen table." I said, as I mentally sighed at my dad. He was always obsessed with his work, like he had no other interest except for working, working, working. I mean, his hard work certainly did paid off when he received the highly coveted Cultin Honors Prize in Science, a 700 thousand dollar prize money, and a renewed reputation in the science circles. To others alike, my father was a indecipherable man, an articulate public speaker, but also a extremely diligent workaholic. He could stay in his laboratory for days, sometimes even weeks doing research. When I was younger, dad constantly left me at Felix's house, which was the reason I grew to be loving yet distant with my father. I never understood him, and he never bothered explaining anything to me.

"Oh, thanks. I'll have a sip." He rushed over to the kitchen table and gulped down the entire thing and trotted into to his room. I looked outside the foggy windows and realized it had started raining, seeing dad had gone back into his room, I walked back into my room, locked the door and started cranking out soft music to the highest volume. I swiftly fell asleep.

The next morning, it was 7 AM when I woke up. The light was still dim from the outside. I dressed and walked downstairs, as the aroma of delicious waffles filled my nose. The one thing dad was good at cooking. I sat down at the empty kitchen table and quietly chewed on my waffle. It was still warm. Dad walked down the stairs, still in the same exact clothing from yesterday. I mentally judged. A great scientist didn't necessary have great hygiene.

Dad walked to me, and handed me two oranges. "Here, some citrus fruit for your daily dose of vitamin C." That was one thing between me and dad. No matter how busy he was, he always had time to hand me two oranges, every single day. I had asked him before why he insisted on oranges everyday not any other fruit, and why he gave me two every single day. He only replied, "Because it's healthy." and rushed away. I guess that was his way of showing he cared about me. I guess nerds aren't great at expressing.

Felix waited for me by the gates, his backpack slung over one shoulder. "Heyyy!" I enthusiastically called out. He flashes his wide granny smile at me, which gives me comfort as we headed to school. Along the way, Felix asks,

"So, are we meeting up as usual for the fair?" I gave a firm nod, before saying,
"Wait, no. Add one more person."
"Who?" Felix gives me a curious glance.
"Reagan Parker. The new girl who transferred last week." I replied.
"Why? Trying to be the O so nice Lily Stars again." I rolled my eyes in silent response.
"What do you mean, 'trying'? I am nice. Plus, don't you feel bad for her? She's all alone." Felix apparently didn't buy it.

"Lily, I know you're doing it out of good intention, but do you understand that it can be a greater insult to someone if they know they're being pitied upon? Did you even ask her?" I was taken short.

"No." I mumbled, more to myself then to Felix. See what I mean? Felix was always, I mean always the adult figure in my life, more so than my dad sometimes. "I'll ask her today." I added. Felix nodded in approvement and rested one of his long slender hands on my head, and gave it a few pats.

"Hey, how's you're app going?" I asked. He shrugs.
"Nothing much."
"Which means?"
"No development, same old stuff. The system got bugged down and I was fixing it yesterday. Those hackers are a sticky situation to deal with." He adds.

"Ha. I don't believe there's anything you can't overcome. Good luck!" I cheered at

AT SCHOOL, things were the same. Everyone was worn out by finals week and even more aggravated by the upcoming fair. If you ever stepped foot on the hallways of Eddis Lang High School and gave a thoughtful scan through the student crowd, you'll see not students, but robots. Robots living by a meticulously planned schedule. That was us, the new generation, not filled with enthusiasm, passion, or life changing ideas. We think the world is advanced enough and is more than glad to color within the lines. I guess you can say that's the saddest thing to have happened to us, no goals, no dreams. But to our defense, it's not our fault everyone before us has already invented something we would've otherwise thought of. Reagan Parker, the new girl who just transferred here a while ago was standing alone at the corners of Merichmann Hall. Her blond hair was down to the waist, her red crop top and tight skinny jeans was an uncanny resemblance to Laura Baker, one of the few girls who didn't spend her time living like the rest of us. That's why no one likes her. Laura spends all her time on decorating herself to look like a delicate Barbie doll. She was of course, condemned by the rest of the student body who believed in "natural beauty". Beauty standards are always changing I guess, in the past, Laura Baker would probably have been the Miss Popularity Queen #1 or something, but this is now. I waved at Reagan, but I guess she didn't see me, because she didn't respond.

"Reagan" I called out, she looked up at me and smiled.
"Hiiii!" Reagan called back. I walked toward her and I noticed her uneven eyebrows. Hmmm... in a age where genetic engineering is so accessible, who would let their kids have any asymmetrical features on their face?
"Oh, yea, do you want to go to Capitol Hills with me and Felix? We can go together. I think I asked you before."

Reagan shook her head. "Nah, I'm a maverick."

"Ok, so, what's your first period?"
"Oh, I don't begin till second." She replied.
"I see. Cool, catch you later." I hurried to my first period class, this was already an interruption to my plans. Damn it. I'm going to be late, I thought as I sprinted in full speed to Mrs. Corso's class. The oranges in my coat pocket were jiggling as I ran.

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