Into The Shadows

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7. Into the shadows
WHEN WE walked out of the bus one by one, I noticed the fatigue of everyone slowly dissipating. We were finally getting fresh air. As soon as the teachers settled us into our dorms for the two night stay, everyone either went straight to the beds or started working. I sat down in silence with Reagan and Sana, a cute dark blue haired girl who was also a skilled violinist, from my memory of her playing a violin solo at the Winter Ball. She smiled warmly towards me, and I gave her a faint smile back. Reagan was fast asleep from the tiring bus ride. Sana seemed to have a lot of energy left, and said, "Hey, wanna go out and have some fun?" I nod,

"Why not?" We walked out the room, I was still in my blue overalls, not bothering to change. I stopped in my tracks immediately when I thought of the keys, and the words ringing back in my ears. To the king who possesses regal blood. I trusted they wouldn't take my stuff, but the overbearing responsibility from  a dead man overtook me. I took the keys from the deep ends of my backpack and secured it in my front pocket, which I buttoned up.
"We can go now." The geography of Capital Hills made it extremely hard to navigate, as me and Sana walked around the place in bitter silence. Capital Hills itself was wrapped around itself in circles. It was hard to find a good place to walk around, especially in this bitter cold.

"Hey look." Sana points to a long tunnel ahead of us, jutting out from seemingly nowhere. I shivered. My senses told me danger lied ahead. I pulled Sana back,

"I think we should go." Sana frowned, then pouts.
"C'mon. Let's go through there. What harm can it do?" I open my mouth to speak.
"Curiosity kills the cat." A deep and penetrating voice behind me says. I turn around, a 6 foot tall, lean male stood before me. Looks around our age. He had AirPods stuck to both sides of his ears, but it was hard to tell since his silver hair almost blended in with his skin and AirPods.

"Who are you?" Sana asked. He didn't reply, his eyes gleamed frost. "Hey, I'm talking to you." Sana whined impatiently. He didn't look back and walked away. This ignited my curiosity.

"Let's go in there." Sana suddenly looked doubtful.
"I think we should go."
"It seems really dangerous."
"Just because that guy said so?"  She shrugged with uncertainty while trying to drag me away,
"He looks like he knows what he's talking about. C'mon, I think it's time to go back..." Sana looked really freaked out, and I didn't want to burden her. I finally gave in. When we walked back into our dorms, Reagan was still asleep, in the clothes she came in. She must be tired. Sana decided to get a rest as well, and fell back onto the bed with exhaustion. I grabbed out a book, and decided to read till dinner.
Time ticked real fast, and before I knew it, it was already time for dinner. A bell ringed in the hallway, signaling everyone to leave their dorms and head for the main hall. I nudged Sana and Reagan awake, which took great effort since they seemed  all groggily and tired. But we had to get changed. The routine was that everyone must get dressed into a formal attire, act like little adults and network with everyone else. Honestly, this is all stupid. I changed into a simple black dress, while Sana pampered herself in a shiny purple dress that dragged onto the floor. Reagan was the last to wake, and seemed like she was in a particularly bitter mood. She didn't even bother to change.

"Reagan, are you not going to change?" Sana asked.
"No, I'm good."
"Are you sure!" I questioned. She shakes her head and walked out the door. When Sana finished changing, we went down together to the main dining hall.  The hall was littered with people, as I expected. I decided to find a good spot to sit back and relax, and that was when he caught my eye. He was seated at a corner spot at the end of the dining room, seemingly uninterested in everything that was going on. His AirPods was still plugged in, but his clothes has changed into a semi-formal attire. Two buttons from his shirt was already unbuttoned. He lazily said on the cushioned chair, his head laid back relaxingly. His eyes looked far beyond here. Slowly, without even noticing, I made my way towards him. I walked past people and crowds until, after what seemed like forever, I was standing in front of him. He didn't look up, nor did he express any sort of welcome. But I know, that in the corners of his eyes, he noticed me.

"Hey." I casually said.
"I don't know you." He replies harshly.
"Well, we can get to know each other now. This is the purpose of the dinner, and this whole damn thing." His eyes pointed lazily towards me.

"I'm not interested." Looking rather annoyed, he stood up, which perfectly made me realize our height difference and walked away.

"That's rude." I said as he walked past me. He didn't acknowledge my comment, and walked right away. I turned around and right away, he disappeared in sight. Wow, he must be a ghost! In the distance, Felix was walking towards me, his smile dim on his face.

"How's it going?" I shrugged.
"Nothing much."
"I see. Who was that guy that just walked by?"
"A rude jerk." I scoffed. Felix chuckled.
"Wow, I wish I can be rude to you like that sometime."
"What do you mean?" He smiled.
"Ha, I was just trying to say something laughable. I guess I was saying nonsensical things instead." I laughed.

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