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"Hey boss, I think them those little kids who got old buddy locked up"

"Nah Dude that ain't them- aye yo wait, yeah it is, get em!"

~Guns Shots~~


Police Radio: shots fired on Grove street, I repeat, shots fired, 1 person damaged and the victims are fleeing the scene in a purple sports car.

"Help! Someone call 911 They shot Blu!"

~Back to the present, about 2 weeks earlier~

Time: 6:50

Date: Dec 1, 2018, Monday

Icons/Raphael's Mom's house.

It was quiet, all you could hear was the sound of our forks clashing on our plates.

"Aw man I got Music today" my 9 year old brother would complain stuffing the last bit of his pancakes in his mouth.

Id finish along with him.

"Thanks Mommy!" Only one of us would say which was me.

"Whatever" she'd reply.

I'd walk over to the other side of the table to give her a hug.

Once I got close to her I'd hold my arms out requesting a hug before I go to school.

Slowly but quickly at the same time she'd accept it.

"Be good at school okay?" She'd say breaking the hug.

"Okay" I'd say picking up my bookbag.

"Bye Mom" my little brother would say quickly getting a hug and then dashed out the door to his friends.

"See you later" was all me and my brother would hear before leaving.


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