Chapter 2

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On every single strand of grass outside would be frost. One of my brothers friends would mistaken the frost for snow.

"Look at the snow!" Carmelo's friend Sierra would say.

"No. It's not snow, my mommy said that it's frost" Carmelo would correct.

The girl would look at melo confused on what frost was.

"Frost is the foggy stuff on yo Mama's car" another kid would say with their gravely voice.

The girl would nod her head understanding the word frost then began looking at the ground as she walked up the road.

I felt like it should've already been snowing down here but you know, we can't control the weather.

"Man I wish it would snow" Carmelo would say kicking rocks with the strength of his shoes.

"Melo, you know if mommy were out here you wouldn't be kicking rocks with your already damaged shoes" I'd say quietly enough for only him to hear me.

My brother never obeyed me, so i wasn't really shocked when he responded.

"Leave me alone" he'd bark running to the bus stop.

See. I told you. That's just the way Carmelo J Rolls. I think being around these bad kids had did something to him though. He wasn't always like this.

Nope, he used to be really nice.
Generous too.

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