Chapter 3

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I dunno why but every time I walk up this hill I get hungry.

There is a pizza place up there next to the bus stop but doors wouldn't open until like 12:00 AM.

But even though you couldnt feed your mouth, you could still feed your nose.

Yes, you could actually smell the fresh pizza in the hot and ready display from outside.

There were also screens above where the cash register was that showed us the many pizzas that they serve.

Yup, that place was like my very own heaven.

But alongside heaven was hell.
Have I told you about the rich brats that think they are superior just because their family and friends owned the pizza building and it's property.

One day, a rich white dingus came outside and made fun of a little black girl because of her weight.

I then lost control of my anger and jumped in front of the girl getting in front of the White boy's face.

"You can't be talking about her like that, everybody has their own flaws and blessings" I'd say.

The boy would look up at me with his black eyes and dangling blond hair.

"I don't own any flaws" he'd reply giving me a devious smirk.

"Of course you do, there's one for starters, your face is drowsy" I'd reply.

Im pretty sure that everybody else on the bus stop was listening because after said my little insult the word "OOOH" came out of everyone's mouth.

The boy would turn around and look at the crowd of OOOHS.

He'd turn around back at me smirking again.
He'd look at my hair and say
"Your hair makes you look like a girl"

I had braids in my head, they're called cornrows.

"Well your face looks like Deadpool's secret identity" I'd reply.

"OOOOH" the crowd yelled again.

The boy then turned around to see children and mostly parents almost laughing to death.

He'd turn back around at me in anger.

The words he said to me were unbelievable.

"Wanna Fight?

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