23. From Bad to Worse

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What have I done to deserve this? I mean, I try to be a decent guy, I don't go out of my way to be shitty to people or anything, but it always seems like I can't catch a break. Every day my life is already in danger of spiraling out of control, but now I've got even more weight to shoulder—and it's not just any old cross to bear. My whole life, everything I have, is based on the story I've been telling since before I can remember, and I'm downright petrified now that it's all being threatened. I'm not sure what Queen plans to do with what he saw, but I know he has the power to change the entire course of my life with a few simple words.

Brent and I looked everywhere for him yesterday after he'd caught us in the yearbook room, but he must've been running fast because we hadn't been able to find him. I promised Brent it would all be okay, even if I don't believe that. Trust me, I desperately want to believe, but Queen's a neurotic, little control freak, there's no way he'll just let this go. It surprised me when I didn't wake up to find my biggest secret had already been revealed, but he probably just needs time to work up to it. That benefits me though, it gives me a chance to stop him before he can.

He's never missed a day of school in his life, and since we have first period together it'll be a little more difficult to hide from me now. I'm not exactly the confrontational type, but lucky for me I have a whole new set of social skills at my disposal. As much as I dread having to do this I know I don't have a choice, I can't just let him destroy everything. If he decides to spill my secret then he'll cost me my home, my relationship with my dad, and any hope of finding new friends. Maybe even Brent. Brent says we're in it together, and I believe he believes that, but when push comes to shove will he still stand by me when all hell breaks loose?

The rules are in place for a reason.

This whole thing's got me so stressed out, I barely slept at all last night. I'm even having trouble concentrating on eating my breakfast, but I manage to imitate a routine I should know well enough at this point. The spoon scrapes loudly against the bowl as it hits the bottom, and I hear my dad give an aggravated sigh from across the table. He's impatient, he can't wait until I go to school either. Even though it must be a huge inconvenience for him, he's still been dropping me off every day in an attempt to exert what little control he actually has over me.

"Are you about ready to go?" He asks, hoping to expedite the process. My only response is the subtle glare I shoot at him, but he brushes it off and goes back to reading the paper. This is just how it's been for us lately. Usually I do everything in my power to ignore him, which he seems okay with, but this morning's different. This morning he wants to start another fight. "I have something I have to do later, so I'm going to need you to skip yearbook today."

"I've only got a few months left to work on it, I can't just skip." I'm lying of course, I've been putting it off plenty. All the previous times had been for a good reason though. "What does it matter if I'm here or at school anyway?"

"Do you really think I'm going to leave you here by yourself? Lilah offered to look after you." My dad's not stupid, he must know how I'm going to react, but he pretends like everything's fine as he continues to read his paper.

"What the hell? I'm not okay with that. You can't just pawn me off on your girlfriend to go play with your campaign." This isn't my day, I've only been out of bed for like an hour but it's already turned into utter garbage.

"This has nothing to do with work." His reply is casual, and when he glances at me I can see he wants to say something else. It's weird, it's not like him to be tongue tied, but it takes him longer than it should to say what he needs to. "Your mother's in town."

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