Chapter 2

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Jasmine's POV

I could here laughter coming in from downstairs upto my room where I lay on my bed, and couldn't help but think they were laughing at me. Who wouldn't? I embarrassed myself by falling unconscious to the ground in front of my supposedly favourite babysitter. And that person also happens to be such a handsome guy I couldn't keep my calm anywhere near him. What was wrong with me? Why couldn't I keep my shit together?

The door to my room creaked and I held my breath. I released that breath as soon as I saw Mom walking in.

"You alright now sweety?" Mom asked.

"Yeah. Feeling much better."

"Hmm. You need to take care of yourself Jasmine. When was the last time you had food inside your system?" She narrowed her eyes at me. I pondered over that question and visibly gulped before answering a meek 'morning'.

"Morning! Have you gone mad? You haven't eaten anything in the whole day? No wonder you fell down unconscious. God, what am I going to do with you?" Mom sighed.

"I'm sorry Mom. I forgot. I'll make sure it never happens again, okay?" I gave my best puppy dog eyes and she chuckled.

"Okay, okay. Now come down. You need to eat."

My heart started hammering over the prospect of going down. Going down meant coming face to face with the green eyed Greek God. And I'm not sure I was ready to do that.

"Umm....can I have my dinner in my room?" I pleaded to my Mom.

"Nonsense. You've to come down. And you also need to thank Chris. He carried you upstairs when you blacked out."

"Who's Chris?"

"Your favourite babysitter as a child." Mom deadpanned.

I groaned. I didn't want to go down. But Mom's expression didn't dare me to go against her.

I trudged down the stairs behind my Mom and walked into the dinning hall. All talking stopped as we entered.

"Oh Jasmine. Darling are you fine?" Mrs.Robinson asked with concern.

"I'm fine Mrs.Robinson." I said and took a seat.

You see, it sometimes happens that you feel someone is looking at you. I looked around the room to see who that was but couldn't find anyone. Also Chris wasn't there. Where was he?

The chair next to me was pulled back and the man in question plopped down next to me. He turned his gaze towards me and smiled.

"How are you Jasmine?" His husky voice sent shivers down my spine.

"I-I'm fine." I stuttered. What's with me and stuttering recently?

"Good to know. You need to take care of yourself. Don't stress yourself out so much."

"Yeah sure." Remembering something, I told him, "Thank you. For er..c-carrying me upstairs when I know..."

"Oh it was nothing. Don't mention it." He narrowed his eyes at me and leaned forward. "You weigh nothing at all. Do you even eat properly?"

I looked down at my plate and refused to look at him again. His last remark angered me. He was no one to tell me anything regarding my health. He might have been someone important to me in my past but now, I don't even remember him. He had absolutely no right to say over my matters.

"I'm sorry if I offended you. I...I was just concerned about you." Chris sighed.

"I can take care of myself." I snapped rather harshly at him.

He didn't say anything for a moment and I was glad thinking I got him to shut up. But then he spoke up and I choked on the piece of chicken I had shoved into my mouth.

"You haven't changed at all. Stubborn as always." He said and fondly shook his head.

For the rest of the dinner I refused to indulge myself in any sort of conversation with the guy sitting next to me. By the time dinner was over, I was done with the day.

"It was nice meeting you all after a long time. I don't remember you all much but Mom said you were important people in my life. I'm glad I got to meet you again and got to know you. I hope this time my memory holds you all inside it." Everyone laughed at that except Chris. He just sported a mysterious smirk. I ignored him and greeted everyone goodnight.

As I went up the stairs towards my room, I heard footsteps following me. I turned and almost bumped into the person.

"What the....Chris?" I gasped.

"Yes Princess?" Chris looked at me like it was normal for him to call me an endearment like that. But my heart was on fire.

"Why...why are you following me?" I asked.

"I want to see how much you've changed. Or not." Chris said and walked past me and into my room.

"Hey!" I shouted and ran after him. Upon entering my room I looked around for any object of embarrassment lying around. I sighed in relief when I found none.

"Your room has changed. When you were small it was all filled up with pictures of Aladdin and video games." Chris chuckled.

I blushed. "Well...I outgrew them."

He looked at me and for a moment a look of hurt passed his face. He took something out of his back and held it in front of me. I looked at it and gasped. It was the book he bought from the store today. Does that mean.....

"Well I obviously didn't recognise you at the store today. How could I? You've grown up so much. Last I saw you, you were a little girl with two missing front teeth and pigtails. And now......." he whisper trailed.

"And now?" I whispered as well.

"You're still a little girl." He said and laughed. His laughter spread warmth inside me and I blushed. But that was gone the moment I realised what he said.

"Hey! I'm not a little girl anymore." I pouted.

He chuckled. "Yes Princess. You're not a little girl anymore. In fact, you're far from it."

He handed me the book and said, "I remember this was your favourite movie as a child. I don't know if you still like it, but I always wanted to gift you this. Better late than never." He winked at the end.

I took the book from him and beamed. "I still love Aladdin, Chris. Thank you so much. It means a lot. Honestly." I gushed.

"You're welcome."

There was a beat of silence. But it wasn't awkward. It was the kind of silence where you don't need unnecessary words to fill it in. I took my time to analyse the guy in front of me. It was no doubt that he was incredibly good looking. It kinda felt wrong to think like that of him, with him being my babysitter once upon a time and all, but I just couldn't control my thoughts. But it was nothing wrong to have such thoughts until and unless I don't act upon those thoughts now, isn't it?

Chris was also so thoughtful. The fact that he remembered such a mundane thing like my favourite movie, showed how caring he was. Yeah, I was angry at him for making that remark on my health at dinner, but his actions just proved how much he cared for me. But my heart hurt to know he did that only because he saw me as a little girl. I know I was being ridiculous, but I couldn't help but feel that way.

"It's getting late. I'm keeping you up. I think I should get going." Chris said and turned towards the door.

"Good...." I started to say but he interrupted me.

"And by the way.......nice bra." He smirked and left the room, leaving me frozen to the ground.

"What? Wh....." I turned and saw my red bra at the foot of my bed. I groaned loudly and fell face down on my bed.

And just when I thought he was a gentleman.

From Cradle to the GraveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora