Chapter 24

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Jasmine's POV

I woke up feeling warm and fuzzy. I snuggled deeper into the arms of my boyfriend who in turn tightened his hold on me and kept sleeping.

My boyfriend.

I smiled like crazy at the realisation. Never in a million years had I thought that my feelings for Chris would be reciprocated. And now here I am, waking up next to him after a wonderful sleep.

However, my good mood came to an abrupt halt when I heard footsteps outside my door, approaching my room slowly. I shot up on the bed and turned towards Chris, shaking him to wake him up.

"Jas! Sweetheart wake up. You've school." My Mom's voice came from outside the door and the knob rattled. I panicked.

"Opened the door Jas. Wake up."

I shook Chris violently. "Wake up Chris! My mother's outside."

Chris fluttered his eyes open and smiled lazily at me.

"Good morning Princess." He spoke in a husky morning voice.

I swear if not for the situation right now, I would've definitely kissed him.

I shook my head to get rid of such ridiculous thoughts and said, "Chris you need to hide! My Mom's outside."

In an instant, his sleep was gone and he sat up on the bed. He jumped from the bed and looked around frantically.

"Jas? Is everything fine sweetheart? Open the door. You're scaring me." My Mom's worried voice echoed from the hallway.

"Coming Mom." I spoke in a groggy voice to let her know I was up. I looked at Chris and he looked like he would shit his pants any moment now.

"What do I do? What do I do?" He whispered frantically.

I got off the bed and shoved him inside my closet.

"Stay here and don't make any noise." I warned him and closed the door softly to not make any noise.

I looked at the bed and realised it definitely looked like two people slept in it. I quickly rearranged the pillows and the blanket and rushed towards the door.

"Jasmine please-" my mother's voice was cut short as I opened the door, a bit breathless.

"Good morning Mom." I panted.

"Good morning. Why did it take so long for you to open the door?" She eyed me suspiciously.

"Oh no nothing. I was just too sleepy and lazy to get off the bed." I said.

She eyed me some more and then said, "Are you sure? Why are you so breathless then?"

I groaned internally. Why is she being so nosy?

"I jumped off the bed and ran to open the door. You see how unfit I am? I got tired and breathless by this." I laughed nervously.

She smiled and kissed my forehead.

"Get ready and come down for breakfast. I'll feed you enough to keep you fit and healthy."

I sighed in relief. "Yeah sure Mom. But you do know I meant the opposite right?" I said.

"Hush! You aren't fat. In fact you need more food inside you." She scolded. I was about to say something but she glared at me. I gulped and decided not to say anything.

She left and I closed the door. I ran and opened my closet door, only to find it empty.

Where the hell did he go?

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