Chapter 4

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Jasmine's POV

"Hey there love!"

I groaned and put my head on the table. It was lunch time and I was in the library. Since I was not feeling hungry and Violet wasn't there today, I decided to grab a book to keep myself occupied. But apparently someone wasn't on board with the idea.

"What do you want Jasper?" I asked with my head still down on the table. I heard the scrape of a chair being pulled and knew he had made himself comfortable. I gritted my teeth.

"You didn't turn up at the cafeteria. I was looking for you." Jasper's voice reached to me.

I pulled myself up into a sitting position and narrowed my eyes at him. "Now why were you looking for me?"

Jasper smirked. "As I had said, I only have eyes for you love." He even winked. That bastard!

"Where's your girlfriend of the week?"

"I broke up with her."

I sighed. It was a known fact in Greendale High School that Jasper Brown didn't date a girl for more than 2 weeks. He would always play with a girl and then dump her. But what disgusted me was that even after knowing this, girls throw themselves at him. Didn't they have something called 'self respect'?

"Go find another one. Leave me alone." I said as a finality and put my nose in the book I was reading.

Minutes passed and Jasper was still there. It was bugging me and I couldn't concentrate on anything I was reading. Exasperated, I closed the book and looked at him. He had a blank look on his face.

"What's it now?" I asked.

"Why do you hate me so much?" Jasper asked, sounding a bit hurt.

I scoffed. "I don't hate you. I'm just not fond of your existence."

"But why?"

"Why?!" I nearly shouted. He was getting on my nerves now. "You go on sleeping around and breaking girl's hearts like it means nothing, you go around throwing away parties and getting wasted in them, AND you keep pestering me every fucking day knowing that my interest in you is as low as your IQ. And you've the audacity to ask me why I hate you?! I donot hate you. Hate is a strong emotion, something which I don't want to associate with a person like you. I simply donot like your existence. Is that enough information from my side?"

I was breathing heavily after my rant. It was the most I had ever said to him. It somewhat felt good to have it out of my chest, but at the same time I wasn't feeling at the top of the world. I've never spoken to someone so vehemently. It was something disturbing at the moment, but Jasper deserved it. Maybe.

Jasper looked like I had slapped him. Maybe I had. My words were like knives, slicing through his skin. I was feeling a bit guilty, but I kept my expression neutral.

Jasper looked at me for some more time and then looked down. Gulping discreetly, he got up from his seat and out of the library. Once he was out of my sight, I let out a deep breath.


The rest of the day dragged away slowly. Every now and then I would get a glimpse of Jasper in the corridors or in some of my classes, but each time he would avert his gaze. I could see my words had affected him as he was not his usual cocky self. By now I was feeling a bit guilty. Yeah he wasn't the perfect guy and his actions weren't what any guy should sport. But maybe I had crossed the line. I knew nothing about the guy. Maybe there's a reason why he is the way he is?

Violet hated this personality trait of mine. Even if someone hurts me the most, I cannot hurt them back. If I do, it would eat me up. She says that I was too much of a saint. But I couldn't help being the way I am. And now that I see, Jasper had never hurt me. Yeah he irritated the hell out of me and pestered me every single day. But he had not once hurt me. That's why the guilt of my words was eating me out.

When the school got over, I walked towards the football field. I was determined to apologise to Jasper.

When I reached there, I looked around and spotted him sitting at the bottom of the bleachers. His sight added up to my guilt. He was sitting with his head down and back hunched. He looked so defeated it tugged at my heart.

I dragged my feet towards him and sat down next to him. Startled he looked up and his eyes widened. He was about to say something but I beat him to it.

"I'm sorry." I said. His eyebrows furrowed and he asked, "For what?"

"For all those words. I was out of line. I shouldn't have said such harsh words. I may not be fond of you, but you never hurt me in any way. And I......I hurt you. I hurt you with my words. I'm sorry."

Jasper quickly took my hands in his and looked at me. "Don't you dare apologise. It was my fault. Everything was my fault. Everything you said is true. You've every right to be upset with me. I'm so sorry I hurt you so much, love. I never knew my actions affected you this way. Had I known, I would've changed my ways. I'm so sorry."

His expression was broken. He took a deep breath and whispered, "Is it too late now to amend anything? Will you ever forgive me?"

"I forgive you. I do." I said truthfully. "But I want you to give up your player ways."

"I will. I have." Jasper said.

I smiled. "Good. I just want something good for you."

Jasper sighed. "I know. I don't know what came over me. Why I had become the prick I was. But today when I saw you almost slipping out of my life, I realised my mistakes. It took me to almost lose you to see my faulty ways. I'm once again sorry, love."

I shifted uncomfortably. "Will you please not call me love? doesn't......I mean I'm not comfortable with it."

Jasper's eyes widened and he apologised again. "I'm sorry. It won't happen again love....I mean Jasmine." He said sheepishly. I laughed.

Jasper looked at me longingly and said, "Umm.....can we be friends now?"

He looked nervous. I wasn't so sure of having  a friendship with Jasper Brown. But after today's events, I decided to give him a chance. But why not tease him a little?

"No." I said. He looked hurt and he averted his gaze. I burst out laughing and he looked at me, confused.

"I was kidding! Of course we can be friends."

He sighed happily. We sat on the bleachers and talked for sometime. We got to know a lot about each other. I was surprised to know Jasper wasn't the guy I thought him to be. Minus the player ways, he was actually a pretty nice guy. He had a little brother and the way he spoke about him showed how much he loved him. But he wasn't open about talking about his parents. I saw his hesitation and decided not to push him much.

As it was getting late, Jasper dropped me home in his car. We said goodbyes and he drove off. As I walked up to my porch, I saw Chris's car in the neighbouring driveway. The memories of last night and this morning crept up to my mind and I felt a smile coming up to my face. After I found him looking at me while I was dancing in my room last night, I thought it would be forever awkward between us. But after he drove me to school and the little discussion we had, all awkwardness was thrown out of the window.

I sighed dreamily and went inside my house.

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