9 - The First Spell

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Today I will have my first lesson in magic.

You'd think it would wait until my wardrobe had changed, but for now I'm wearing some of Eric's old clothes. All my pink dresses have just been removed from my closet, and I cannot meet up at the lesson wearing a night gown, so father left a single set of Eric's clothing for me.

Had I been the usual Lily this would have been an excessively harsh punishment, but...

To be back in pants is a relief. I've never been one to go for a standard kimono after all, as it tends to get in the way on the battlefield. Besides, as a combat priestess it was either robes or hakama. I'll go with hakama any day.

I've put my hair up in a maiden's fox tail, and I must say so I look handsome in my brother's clothes, if I was to be confused with a boy.

I have no female body shape at all either, so at this point I look like a girlish boy with long hair at worst. It actually suits me. I end up smirking awkwardly for a moment at the thought of charming one of the young noble girls while dressed like this. I wonder how many I could charm? Playing with other's romantic feelings is not good though.

I clear my throat and nod satisfied at the mirror before heading off for my first lesson. Lumere makes itself invisible as well. As it is, faeries don't really show up in front of people, and I'd hope to blend in even if just a little.

...To my surprise, father stands in front of the door as I open it with this stern expression.

I manage a smile in return and give a bow elegant enough to rival my brother's.

"Is there something I can do for you, Father?"

I straighten up and look directly to his eyes just to grasp a hint of his reaction at my lack unwillingness to wear Eric's clothes, if that is what he came for.

"I will talk briefly with your tutor. Follow along."

He is a very honorable man, but I had expected he would at least tell me to still act like a lady despite the clothes.

I am conflicted whether to be happy or disappointed he did not react to it, but if this meant I could pretend to be a boy for a while... well it would be a pleasant change.


After getting to the study room, father explained my clothing situation to the newly hired teacher and had me introduce Lumere that made himself visible. You should have seen her face as she saw Lumere. She struggled so hard not to show disappointment. Apparently, since Lumere was in the shape of a fish she believed he was a fairy of the lowest grade.

Ah, fairies come in three general grades of strength and is determined by the form they take. The lowest is animal, then a hand sized humanoid form and finally the grand level fairies take the proper form of a human. If they are really strong they even take the form of a fully adult human.

Lumere wasn't a fairy though, but Father had described Lumere as a fairy so I wouldn't speak against him. The less things stuck out as odd, the better. If I ended up being incredibly powerful or showed them unique magic, then it might end up enforcing the engagement with the crown prince instead of making it easier to get away.

"Lady Lily!" My teacher's voice draws me out of my day dreaming. She had been explaining the specifics of casting water magic, but at one point she got so deep into details of 'what water is', and then gave the wrong definition. After that I ended up ignoring her.

As with our magic they depend on someone else to cast it and give something in return, but there are some complications. If they try to use spells that affect a living body such as enhancements or flying they risk dying. Though, risk is to say it mildly. Apparently people have exploded from trying. Seeing as they force the gods to do their bidding this doesn't surprise me.

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