168 - More Than Just Characters

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Lily's Point of View

"You! Ever since you stepped into this castle you've been looking like you want to kill me, what did I ever do to you?" Landon snaps at me, confronting me with my lack of composure earlier. Still, to dare raise his voice at me with those specific words.

I cross my legs calmly and feel part of me almost desperately want to see his expression when he realizes... but another part being worried that he would use whatever knowledge he has on me against me.

"If you hadn't already figured it out, you are the cause of my death, Yuno."

I purposely shift to his former name. It feels more personal that way.


Helena ends up letting out a hiccup and twitches at my words, then turning towards me with this terrified and confused expression.

"Ara, you look so worried, Helena," I say coldly and look back to Landon who looks spiteful, but also confused.

"Did you get killed by my ex-girlfriend too?"

Now, how am I going to do this?

"No, but rather than you guessing why don't I tell you how I died, seeing as I am the only one who hasn't told it."

I look down at my lap. How much am I willing to say, and what do I want to say? I don't even know how war in their world works anyway, so even if I wanted I might not be able to hide that I am clearly from a very, very different world than them.

"I was a military officer, as I assume some of you already guessed. A little more than a year before my death I lost all of my subordinates in battle, except for my fiance."

I pause to check the expressions, and Catarina and Landon seem in thought. Helena is beginning to turn blue and Jesmaine is looking at me with pity.

"Both my fiancé and I were traumatized over this... and I had considered dying as well."

I continue hesitantly, but slowly start to feel nauseous as the memories of the war flash their ugly faces, along with the smell of burnt flesh. Only to interweave with the worried, disappointed and angry expressions from the people around me.

"Of course, a certain someone manipulated and tormented my fiancé, telling him repeatedly that it would be better if I died, since that way I would no longer be in pain. So, my fiance gave in and committed double suicide. The person that did that, was you Yuno."

I stare at him coldly as the room goes completely silent and all eyes move back to Landon to see his reaction to this rather bold accusation of a very intentional murder rather than the accidents mentioned till now. I haven't lied, but there are some very important details that I have left out.

Landon of course realizes this really quickly and glares at me.

"Stop screwing around, Lily."


"Wolfram Stanbell told you of this! Damn wind mages," he curses out and stares at me.

"Don't make a fool out of me and spit out the real story rather than that of a story character," he adds, now looking very, very serious. However, I have already told him the real story.

"Story? Don't you mean game?" I correct him.

Landon flinches as I don't give in but instead correct him.

"It's a story game, whatever specific term I use doesn't matter."

Of course it doesn't, but I want to irritate him.

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