156 - To Those Left Behind

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Kenta's Point Of View


Mike's pained voice speaks out next to me. He isn't injured anymore, since the disrespectful and inappropriate woman already healed his injuries, but to see his dead friend die again in such a way... to see him slowly flake away into nothingness bit by bit.

"Your legs... what happened?"

As Mike wakes up properly he takes note of how Rudder's legs are gone. They've flaked away up till his waist in a golden glimmer.

"Apparently I'm dying for good this time, but at least you won't have to clean my blood off my armor this time."

As always Rudder is the calm and collected type. He has made peace with his fate already... though, for these people that never believed in reincarnation I guess it is merely making things the way that they expected it in the first place.

Mike crumbles at Rudder's words. Any mask or self-control crumbles instantly.


Mike swallows up the rest of that sentence with a gulp and grits his teeth like he's trying not to cry. Of course he fails, but Rudder merely smiles.

"I decided to do this myself. I had a chance to stop someone from killing children and to do something right. Once I heard that I just couldn't stand back... and Erica would be in danger if I did nothing."

Mike's tears flow faster as he hears Rudders words, but his final response is... a smile...

He gives Rudder's shoulder a light punch.

"You always did want to be a hero when we were kids."

Mike is crying like a kid, but his smile is sincere.

Rudder's eyes widen at bit at the words. He looks shocked. I would be too if I was given a confusing smile like that by Rei.

Mike's voice cracks as he continues to speak, but though the words and topic his happy the tears keep rolling as Rudder's stomach flakes into pieces.

"I remember when you defended Tony when we were small. Honestly I thought you were a bit too mean before that, but after that I really admired you."

He pauses and gulps down again while his eyes scrunch together, sending teardrops rolling in heavy streams.

"If not for you I'd never become a knight! I was happy to stay by your side..."

Mike gives a loud sniffle.

"The day I found out you and Erica were in love I was so happy for both of you. I wanted to see the two of you grow old together. I knew you'd spoil her whenever Marie and I weren't looking."

Mike gives another smile, and there's kindness in his eyes mixed in with the sorrow. Rudder begins to tear up as well though.

"You did pester me the entire day when you found out. I've never had such a bad hangover before either," Rudder responds.

Mike gives a choked and teary laugh.

"I couldn't help it."

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