Chapter 22

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Sofia and I are currently in the airport bathroom in Virginia so I can put on my blonde wig, glasses, and colored contacts on. Surprisingly my mom had to fly back to California to meet up with her colleagues so thankfully we were able to go to the airport without her knowing we are going to Virginia. On the other hand, people are going to know that Mia Williams is going to Virginia due to the amount of Paparazzi that is at the airport. However, Sofia told me not to worry about it because people know that I have family down in Virginia.

We walk out of the bathroom and begin to look for my dad since he was going to pick me up from the airport. Grandma and Grandpa couldn't come since they are going to go on a double date with their friends.

"Is that your dad right there?" Sofia asks as she points at a man who is currently eating at burger king.

"Yep because my dad totally is a red head with a beard and glasses." I roll my eyes and spot my dad who is sitting down looking at his phone. "Hey Dad!" I say as my dad looks up from his phone and instantly smiles. He gets up and walks towards us and pulls me in for a hug.

"Hey kiddo, How did it go?"

"It went really good. I am so excited to see the whole parade all together."

"Thats great to hear kiddo. Also uhm, why is Sofia here?" He chuckles as he pulls her in for a hug.

"Well that was very rude of you Mr. Williams. I am here to force your daughter to tell the truth to her lover boy so they can live happily ever after." 

"Oh, so Mia is actually going to tell Ace that Maya does not exist." He says as we begin to head towards the exit of the airport.

"Well, not exactly." I say which causes Sofia to almost push me down the escalator.

"You dumb bitch, you better tell him the truth or I am going to be the one to tell him myself!" Sofia yells which causes some people to look at us. My dad tells them sorry as he glares at Sofia.

"Well, I did not tell you to come with me to Virginia. I told you that I was going to tell him next year." I say calmly.

"You little bitch." She exclaims as she begins to chase me out of the airport.

My dad starts to laugh as he starts to run after us.


We made it to our house and in one piece thankfully since Sofia almost tried to kill me. I am currently sitting in the dinning room as Sofia starts to look around the house.

"By the way girls, Ace and his Family are coming over for dinner." My dad says as he starts cooking dinner.

"Wait what? What do you mean they are coming over? Do you guys really want me to tell them the truth that badly?"

"YES!" My dad and Sofia yell at the same time which causes me to roll my eyes.

"I told them that Maya is back from Florida and that they should come over for dinner."

"So what are you making for Dinner Mia's sperm donor?" Sofia says casually as she lifts the lid of the cooking pot to see what my dad is making. "Ew what the fuck is that?"

"I guess you have never seen Chicken Alfredo before." My dad says as he begins to set the table. I get up and start to help him while Sofia sits on the kitchen counter.

"I will have you know that I am a vegan thank you very much." Sofia huffs as she crosses her arms.

"Sofia stop lying, we all know you like meat." I say as I wink at her.

"Mia you are so annoying." Sofia laughs as the door bell rings.

"Oh shit, they are here. What the fuck do I do." I panic and run to look at the peep hole. I see Ace and his parents standing outside.

"Mia why don't you change out of that and be you." My dad says as he walks towards the door.

I begin to run upstairs and start to take of my disguise. As I begin to take off my contacts I hear my dad open the door. After I am done, I go back down stairs and see Ace hugging Sofia. They pull apart and he turns to look at who just came down stairs. I watch how his eyes widen and his jaw drops.

"Uhm... Surprise?" 

Ace runs up to me and pulls me into a tight hug. We stay like this for a moment and he pulls away.

"Holy shit, when I commented that you should come and visit I didn't think you would actually do it." Ace says which makes me laugh.

"Yea well, Sofia kind of influenced my mom so I cam come down and visit."

"How long are you going to be here?" Ace asks.

"Only for tonight and Sofia and I are going to fly back to Australia for Christmas."

I watch as Ace's face saddens, "Hello Mia, I didn't expect you to come." Ace's mom says as she hugs me.

"I missed you so much." I say

"I missed you too." She says as she winks at me.

"Wow, Mia you look like a beautiful young lady now, the last time I saw you, you looked like a little sweet potato." Ace's dad says as he hugs me.

"What can I say, I was a very cute sweet potato."

"So where is Maya?" Ace asks as I look at my dad for help.

"Oh uhm, Maya is at her Grandma's friend's house right now." My dad says as he awkwardly scratches the back of his neck.

"Uh why?" Ace asks as we all sit down at the dinner table.

I look at Sofia for help and she awkwardly smiles and says,"Because she made a promise that she will babysit her grandma's friend's niece's kid who is only 4 years old. She is gonna be gone all night... hopefully forever" Sofia whispers that last part which causes me to kick her in leg.

"So Mia, how was performing at the Disney parade?" Ace's dad asks as he takes a bite out of his food.

"Oh it was amazing. Definitely checked this one off of my bucket list."

"I know this is random but how come Maya wasn't in those photos you posted?" Ace asks as Sofia begins to glare at him.

"Why the hell do you keep asking about Maya? God damn, Mia is finally here visiting YOU and YOU keep asking about MAYA." She starts to raise her voice which causes all of us to look at her in shock.

"Damn, I guess I can't ask questions..." Ace mutters as he eats his food.

This is gonna be a long night

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