Chapter 34

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"Mia, everything is going to be okay. After you clear everything up, it will all turn back to normal." My dad said as he tries to calm me down.

"This is all my fault... I shouldn't have done this. Now everyone is going to think that I am a liar. Everyone is going to hate me."

"Well of course it's your fault sweetheart." Grandpa says as Grandma slaps him in the back of the head.

"Bob you aren't helping. Your father is right dear, it just takes time. Besides, this really isn't that big of a deal." Grandma assures me as Officer Brian walks through the front door.

"Uh, there is a woman screaming at some officers claiming to be your mother? She is with a man and a lady around your age."

"That sounds like Maria." Dad chuckles as he crosses his arms in amusement.

"My mom brought Roger and Sofia? Uh, let them through." I tell him.

He takes out his walkie talkie to inform the other officers to let them in. We all laugh as we hear my mom screaming in the background.

Few minutes later, loud bangs come from the front door. Officer Brian opens the door as my mom storms in while Roger and Sofia follow her.

"What on earth have you been doing? Have you lost your mind? Your career is officially over!" She yells as she gets in front of me.

Roger and Sofia giggle behind her as my mom turns around and screams at them to shut up.

"Maria... it's always a pleasure to see you." Grandma amusedly says.

"Couldn't say the same about you, Carol." Mom responded as she crosses her arms. She turns her head to look at my dad. "John."

"Maria." Dad nods as Roger and Sofia giggle again.

"Oh god this is so awkward." Sofia says as she rushes to give me a hug.

"Sofia don't say it..."

"I won't." Sofia pauses and slowly smirks. "Okay, I told you so. Karma came back and bite you right in th-"

"Sofia, I think she gets it." Roger said as he hugs me. "How are you holding up?"

"I've been worse I guess, after I clear the air everything should go back to normal."

"Right that reminds me, you have an interview with Ellen. Since you were supposed to have this interview awhile ago, she thought it was best to have it now. So I advise you to grab your bags because we are leaving right now." Mom said as she pulls out her phone.

"Have you talked to Ace yet?" Sofia asked as we walked upstairs to my room.

"He won't answer any of my calls. He must be heartbroken right now."

"I wonder who's fault is that?" Sofia said as she scrolls through Instagram.

"You know that he kissed Amber?" I casually said which cause Sofia to almost drop her phone.

"Oh heck no, where does the idiot live, I'm about to make him wish his parents used protection." She angering says as she is about to rush out the door.

"Sofia chill, I'm over it to be honest. Some things weren't meant to be and this relationship was just one of them." I said as I stopped her from leaving.

Sofia sighed and dramatically fell on my bed. "Whatever, when are you announcing the contest winner? I hope you didn't forget about it."

I grabbed all my bags and placed them by my door. "Of course I didn't, I'm announcing the winner either during the interview or during prom."

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