Chapter 28

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"Thanks again for flying me to California Arthur." I say as I walk down the steps of the private jet.

"You don't have to thank me, it is my job after all." Arthur replies. "Besides, I got tired of working for the Kardashians anyways. Especially now after the whole fiasco with Khloe and Kylie's best friend. If I didn't leave, then I would have to fly every single Kardashian and Jenner to California. I wouldn't be ready to see a fight go down, or maybe I am?"

"Oh yea, I think I saw some posts on Instagram about that." I chuckle as I watch Roger pull up in front of the jet.

"By the way, how come you were in Virginia? I don't want to intrude but I thought you were still in Australia." He asks as Roger gets out of the car.

"Oh I was just visiting some family, especially since I am going on tour in a few weeks."

"That's nice of you, anyways I will see you later Mia." He says as he makes his way back on the jet.

Roger opens the car door so I can get in the backseat. I thank him as I get into the car. I turn on my phone to check to see if I got any text messages. Only a few from my dad saying to have a safe flight as well as some from my grandma saying to "kick my mother's behind for her." I already told Emily that I was just visiting my mom in California, so she just texted me saying that she is sitting in the library during lunch.

"So how is everything in Virginia?" Roger says as he begins to drive us to Matthew's house.

"Everything has been the same, the only difference is Ace."

"Trouble in paradise?" Roger says as he glances in the rear view mirror to make eye contact with me.

"He has been gone for four months with his football team. He has been meeting with different coaches as well as training with the NFL. So we haven't been talking as frequently as I would like us to be." I said as I look out the window.

"I never liked that Andrew kid anyways."

My attention snaps back to Roger, "What do you mean you never liked Ace? We are still together and I do still like him, it's just he doesn't have much time to talk to me."

"Oh, well scratch what I said then. I love that boy, he is a great guy!" He says as we stop at a red light.

"Roger, you haven't even met him yet."

"I should meet that boy then, I am basically the Uncle you never had."

Roger isn't wrong, since both of my parents are the only child, I don't have any aunts or uncles. Roger has known me ever since I first moved to California, so he such an important person in my life.

"Yea you should, definitely after I tell Ace that I am Mia then you guys can meet."

"I forgot you haven't told Ace yet." He chuckles as he pulls up in front of Matthew's house and buzzes the front gate. "Just rip it like a bandaid Mia, send him a quick text message."

"I want to do it in person, that would be insensitive if I told him through text don't you think?" I ask as I watch the front gates open up.

We drive up the driveway and park behind my mom's car. "I guess you are right. Anyways, are you excited to see your fake boyfriend again." He says as he gets out of the car to open my door.

"Thank you, and I am very not excited. You know this was all my mom's idea right?"

"Mia please, of course I know this was all her idea. Now don't worry, I am gonna be with you for this whole week." He assures me as we walk to the front door.

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